Brian Ross wrote on Mar 3
rd, 2017 at 4:51pm:
Valkie wrote on Mar 3
rd, 2017 at 12:39pm:
No, Lets all be egocentric, its fun.
I played A grade tennis as a kid, but lost interest later when I started work.
I was a state swimmer, but when I went into the Nationals I was so badly beaten that I decided I would never be able to compete, so I gave up.
I was worthless at cricket, being poor I never had glasses and couldn't see the bloody ball properly.
I was also only average at AFL, not fast enough on my feet.
Cross country I was a real bonus for those in charge, when I came in they knew everyone else would be in as no one was slower.
I was good at orienteering, obstacle courses and other punishing pursuits, because I just don't give in.
A black belt in martial arts, but in competition the best I ever achieved was third place, Others always seemed to be faster than I.
But with some weapons I was undefeated, knives, boe staff etc, but those bloody nun chucks are a menace, never could master those things.
I can build almost anything, have skills and qualifications in several engineering fields.
I have teaching /training qualifications and have trained people for the last 35 years in various fields.
I have been everything from a fitter to an engineering manager and have been good at them all.
I have rebuilt several bathrooms, kitchens and done considerable home maintenance for friends and family.
I will help anyone who asks and I hold a grudge for nasty people.
I am the local fix it guy that everyone comes to when in trouble and have done midnight gyprock repairs when a kid has damaged a wall and mom didn't want dad to know about it when he came home and put up fences i the middle of the night to help keep pets in when a storm took out the fence.
I like most people, regardless of who the are.
Thats me
Unless of course, they are Indigenous, immigrant or Muslim, right, Valkie? You really do delude yourself. You may believe you're a nice bloke but deep down, you're a Racist/Xenophobic/Islamophobic fool. Tsk, tsk.
Your comprehension is not all that good is it.
I have no problem with the Aboriginals, just the Culture of laziness and victim mentality.
It wouldn't matter if they were Abbo or white.
Have no problem with imigrants either, as I have stated many times, I have many immigrant friends and honestly believe that without these wonderful imigrants Australia would be so much the poorer.
Now as for islamaphobic, this make up word is just a way that this CULT tries to justify its self imposed isolation and abhorrent practices.
I have no phobia, I just do not trust, like or want this CULT in my country.
I don't like sewage, and take steps to ensure I never make contact with it, does that make me a sewaophobic?
I know coming into contact with sewage is bad for me, I'm not afraid of it, I just prefer to be away from it so that it does not contaminate me and my health.
This CULT, for that is exactly what it is, is known the world over for its abhorrent and barbaric practices, practices that it has brought with it to Australia.
You know what I mean.
Wife beating, Terrorism, Pedophelia marriage, FGM and pack rape.
These and other equally abhorrent, primitive and barbaric practices you refuse to admit to, but are never the less common and frequent in the secretive and isolated CULT membership.
You will never see this CULT for the evil it is, I know not why.
I have seen what countries that are ruled by this CULT are like, they are not nice places to visit.
The people, their own people, live in constant and total fear.
The religious leaders are continually fighting for power and kill without reason or compassion.
Women mean nothing to these people, they are treated like animals, beaten and murdered without a thought.
I watched a man have his hand and foot cut off on the street for some minor crime.
I ordered, cajoled and begged the driver to get away from this barbarity, but he was too frightened to drive away as this was a public punishment and to leave would be a bad thing.
Never have I been happier to leave a hell hole as I was that day.
And this you want to bring here.
It is not me who is the fool, it is you.
A fool for believing this CULT has anything worthy about it.
A fool for thinking that this CULT is anything but pure evil.
A fool for listening to the propaganda spewed forth by this lying, barbaric and brutal CULT.
You can tell me nothing of the good this cult does, because you know it does no good anywhere.
Every country infected by this CULT has suffered for it.
Have a look at what is going on in Sweden, go ahead, get on the web and see for yourself.
No go areas where the police do not dare to go.
Rapes, murders and barbaric practices all in the name of MuttHELLmud.
Call me an islamaphobe, I care not, I wear it as a badge of honor.
But a racist, never, that is your badge