Brian Ross wrote on Feb 21
st, 2017 at 7:02pm:
Gnads wrote on Feb 21
st, 2017 at 6:02pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Feb 21
st, 2017 at 5:50pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Feb 21
st, 2017 at 3:02pm:
Jesus, you racists must really hate the Chinese then.
Just cannot imagine what they think of those great copyists, the Japanese. They lifted their entire culture from a medieval one to a modern, industrial one in two generations. How did they do it? By copying European nations (most notably the UK, France and Germany)... Today, do you look down on Japanese technology? I expect so, 'cause they have slanty eyes, right?
Racists are such fools. Tsk, tsk.
You're complete tosser Brian
even the most primative Japanese culture was more advanced than the subject matter.
As were the Chinese.
And it's probably early European & Asian explorers that left broken glass that Aboriginals found.
No, Gnads, the Indigenous Australians' culture was highly advanced - for the stone age. Before you attack Indigenous Australians I have to ask, how much do you actually know about their culture? How about their astronomy? Their record keeping? Their agriculture? Their aquaculture? Their culture may have been "primitive" but that does not give you the right to denigrate them for it. To do so, is to show just how foolish your own views are. I'd rather have an Indigenous Australian as a friend than you. Simple as that. At least I'd know they were hard working, honest people. You? You're just a smarmy racist who denigrates people because they have different coloured skin and live in what you seem to think was a "primitive culture". Tsk, tsk. Don't forget, Genetically there is more difference between you and the next white person than there is between you and an Indigenous Australian. Fool.
Firstly, Aboriginals were not even at stone age.
They had not even started attaching stones to sticks.
They use sharpened bits of wood for spears.
They had no aquaculture, no agriculture, they were simply nomadic primitives who wandered around looking for food.
Comparing ANY other culture especially Chinese, who were far more cultured and advanced than many Europeans at the time, is both insulting and stupiiid.
Besides, it is not the Aboriginals we are questioning.
The whole crux of the matter is that just by picking up something sharp and using it to cut something does not, under any context, mean any race is using advanced technology or that it was broaching a technological advancement.
This constant drive to try and prove advanced thinking, in a culture so primitive that it still had not reached stone age is just totally ridiculous.
It is not, as you seem to find any discussion about anyone, RACIST.
It is simple statement of fact.
You and your ilk think that by labeling anyone who dares to question any old rubbish extolled as pro Aboriginal, Muslim or dark skinned as being an argument, just shows your ignorance.
I am not a racist, I dare you to call me one.
I dislike with a passion the CULT not because of the races that make it up, but because of what this CULT stands for.
As for Aboriginals, lebbos, Greeks, Italians, Chinese etc etc I have many friends of many nationalities and none ever call me racist.
My wedding party consisted of an Aboriginal, Swede, New Zealander and an Irish mate.
My wedding had over 9 nationalities as part of my friends and family.
It is you my friend who is racist, racist against an white skinned person.
You are an Anglophobe and you are far less tolerant than me or mione any day.