Emma wrote on Mar 7
th, 2017 at 4:14am:
UnSubRocky wrote on Mar 7
th, 2017 at 12:56am:
The sooner that religion (among other religions) die, the sooner we can go back to Paganism. Better for the environment.
Have to agree that religion has well and truly had it's day.
So, the drive some folk feel for the need of an over-arching GOD is something no longer required for humanity to proceed along its path. Rather it is a hindrance.
Only harm comes from religion these days.
ALL the good done individually by people is totally out-weighed by the heinous nature of religious dogma. One only need look at the on-going enquiries into religious folk and their abuse of children to realise this truth. Or the war on-going in Syria and Iraq.
Seems current day humans are no less feral than we were 1000 years ago.
WE don't seem to learn from history. Rather we seem doomed to repeat it.. again and again.
But getting back on topic......Aboriginal peoples seem to have settled on a generally harmless form of WORSHIP.
Rather than idolise human-type deities, they have continued true, and worship, if you want to call it that, the EARTH.
What better actions could there be?
We.. on the other hand.. raise up rather nightmarish ideologies. You need look no further than the current TV News to see this is so.
Agreed that some religions and CULTS are harmful or disruptive, but one must also look at the good, not just of the religion, but of the people who make it up.
Many many devout people do a great deal of good with charity and altruism, freely giving their time and effort to help others even at their own expense.
Many of these people work for nothing, expect nothing and are Godsend to those needing help.
Their religion is how they coordinate their activities and aid, without it, it would be so much more difficult.
Imagine if everyone decided that as its a dog eat dog world, stuff it all, I no longer care.
Where would we be if they all just looked after themselves and no one else, it would cripple the world.
There are many many religious leaders who practice what the preach, (and some who are total creeps), but on the whole they do more good than harm.
Also agreed that some religions are better than others.
I myself am Christian, I do not go to church as I believe many in the church are hypocrites, but I do believe.
But I have seen Buddhism and Hindu that appear, on the surface, as being far more peaceful and less hypocritical than mine own church.
Some CULTS and religions however are harmful, restrictive, isolationist and evil.
These CULTS and religions bring on a contamination to all religions giving plenty of reasons for people to hate all religions with the same fervor.
People not aware of these evil CULTS and who have never been involved in true belief and charity see all religions in the same light, much to their loss.
Good religions, good faith gives billions of people strength, hope and comfort throughout their lives.
Bad CULTS and religions seek to control, punish and use their followers, with no positive benefits to either the community or the followers. Only the leaders gain power and rights.
As for our Aboriginal friends, I have never met a true believer in the dream-time or true Aboriginal faith.
My Aboriginal friends see this as stories, perhaps some more in touch with their roots might be different and the ones I know have been brought up in either dysfunctional or white environments.
Some have overcome these environments, some not so.
There is a place for faith in this world.
But one must be cautious that that faith is not in evil, but in good.
This is not so hard to discern, one need only look at the face of the religion or CULT to see if it is Charitable, honest, altruistic and helpful or if it is harmful, isolationist, brutal or dishonest.
Avoid the CULTS they are the true face of Evil.