Brian Ross wrote on Feb 21
st, 2017 at 7:53pm:
Valkie wrote on Feb 21
st, 2017 at 7:42pm:
Firstly, Aboriginals were not even at stone age.
They had not even started attaching stones to sticks.
They use sharpened bits of wood for spears.
Valkie, your racism is quite stupid. I'd recommend you do a
google search before you put your feet into your mouth again. It might help you to understand the level of technology that Indigenous Australians had at the time of Colonisation by the English...
Of course, being ignorant is something you excel in, now isn't it? Tsk, tsk, tsk.
Me A racist, you an imbecile.
As I explained, I am not the racist, you are, anything white is RACIST to you.
No discussion, unless it prostrates itself to your twisted ideals, is acceptable to you and brings forth your rabid racist screams.
I had quite a laugh yesterday when we read your posts (my ethnic friends and I) with one comment from one being "What is this guy on?"
As for advanced cultures.
I read about the alleged Eel farms.
The article was written by an archaeologist who obviously had an agenda and was clutching at some pretty thin straws.
There was no real evidence and the actual press release only ever stated MAY have.
The so called huts were circles of stones which were not dated and the whole theory was based on computer models which as we all know are easily manipulated to PROVE whatever one wants.
Pictures of swampland as evidence is absurd at best.
Ponds connected over 75 square kilometers, she may have lost the plot, do you realize just how large 75 square kilometers is, we have nothing of this scale even today in aquaculture.
And the huts, very carefully worded "scattered across the landscape" no actual statement of how many, how large or actual proof of anything similar done later or anywhere else.
It would take a considerable number of people to manage a 75 square kilometer aquaculture enterprise, and yet there is virtually no proof of this.
And, should this be found possible, you are saying that the Australian Aborigine reached its apex back then and went downhill from that point.
Advanced technology and farming never just died out, in every culture it was a beginning and the culture advanced further up the evolutionary scale as a result.
Did the Australian Aborigine simply stop? Give up or just get lazy?
Or was this evidence of an advanced culture that was wiped out when the Aborigines killed off the first Australian through one of the most brutal genocides ever experienced on our planet when the Aborigine murdered a superior race and then went on to be nothing more than hunter gatherers?
The truth of the matter is that the Aboriginal people of Australia were primitives, they were pre-stone age hunter gatherers who's technology was as basic as any on our planet.
I would love for some proof to be found that Australia had some long lost advanced technology.
It would be a real plus, but artificially fabricating evidence based on the most lame theory just to placate a single lazy race is nothing short of pointless.
If the Aboriginals want to prove true adaptive spirit, the best possible way would be for them to adapt to the modern world, stop playing the victim card and actually get off their asses and contribute instead of simply living off welfare and demanding more and more for nothing.
This would be the true proof of an ability of adapting, not picking up a bit of glass to cut something.