Brian Ross
Gnads wrote on Feb 22 nd, 2017 at 8:22pm: Brian Ross wrote on Feb 22 nd, 2017 at 7:42pm: Gnads wrote on Feb 22 nd, 2017 at 7:00pm: Brian Ross wrote on Feb 22 nd, 2017 at 5:04pm: Valkie wrote on Feb 22 nd, 2017 at 6:35am: Brian Ross wrote on Feb 21 st, 2017 at 7:53pm: Valkie wrote on Feb 21 st, 2017 at 7:42pm: Firstly, Aboriginals were not even at stone age. They had not even started attaching stones to sticks. They use sharpened bits of wood for spears. Valkie, your racism is quite stupid. I'd recommend you do a google search before you put your feet into your mouth again. It might help you to understand the level of technology that Indigenous Australians had at the time of Colonisation by the English... Of course, being ignorant is something you excel in, now isn't it? Tsk, tsk, tsk. Me A racist, you an imbecile. As I explained, I am not the racist, you are, anything white is RACIST to you. Valkie, you're full of bullshit, you realise that? You're the one displaying your racism at every drop of a hat. It's all about the colour of a person's skin/shape of their eyes/thickness of their lips/etc. to you. People are stupid because they are black/yellow/red/purpie. Stop being a fool. It's embarrassing to read that someone can be as ignorant as you in the 21st century. Indigenous Australians had a complex society, some were nomads, some were semi-settled, some were settled. Some practised agriculture, some aquaculture and some hunter-gatherers. It all depends on where they lived. Time to catch up with the findings of 21st century archaeology. It is revealing as to what early 20th century settlers hid or ignored rather than admitting. If you opened your mind, it might even educated you.  Yep .... keep on making it up & more outlandish at every turn. That's what whitey academic PC wankers do wholesale. If Aboriginal people can't explain something to do with their history ..... along come whitey wankers who concoct a suitable (but unbelievable) history to show something that never was. Oh, dear, more ad hominem, Gnads? I thought better of you but obviously I was mistaken. Tsk, tsk. What is it that scares you so much that you cannot admit that Indigenous Australians had a complex society and culture? Are you frightened to admit that in case it implicates White, Colonial, Anglo-Saxon/Celtic settlers in destroying it? Are you ashamed to admit it? I'm not. It's history, it cannot be changed, the perpetrators are all long gone. Today, we can attempt to correct the mistakes of the past and live together as one society whereas in the past it was a case of two or more societies, with one lording it over all the others. Hardly equitable, I'd suggest. We are all Australians now, Gnads. Why are you so afraid to admit that Archaeology might have discovered things that the White settlers hid or deliberately ignored to salve their consciousnesses over what they did to their fellow Australians? Tsk, tsk. If it is one thing that is proven about Aboriginal culture it was their ability to survive in all environments across this continent .... primitively survive and they did that well. All the rest you espouse is just fanciful bulldust. Still denying the science? Tsk, tsk. Gnads, you're just showing how racist your thinking is. You are continually denigrated your fellow Australians. You disgust me. Crawl back under your rock. The grown ups have things to discuss. I've given you a good innings, I have presented proof to back my assertions and you have just discounted them, claiming that Indigenous Australians' achievements are "just fanciful bulldust". Absolutely disgusting.