Brian Ross wrote on Feb 22
nd, 2017 at 7:10pm:
What a shame you failed to read the whole work, Yadda.
Quote:(It is significant to note that, in both of Polo’s block quotes above, he criticizes Muslim doctrine — not so much Muslim peoples. In other words, he allows for what would today be called “moderate” Muslims, as shown by his aforementioned praise for individual Muslim leaders.)
Polo was not an "Islamophobe", he did not hate Muslims or even Islam. Unlike you. Tsk, tsk.
No shame at all Brian.
I read the whole article before i posted it.
He refers to one Muslim leader as governing “with justice” (p.317) and another who “showed himself [to be] a very good lord, and made himself beloved by everybody (p.332).”
That said, Polo clearly had no problem being blunt about Islam.....Whereas he praised the Brahmins for their “hatred for cheating or of taking the goods of other persons,” regarding the Muslims of Tauris, (modern day Iraq), he wrote:
According to their doctrine, whatever is stolen or plundered from others of a different faith, is properly taken, and the theft is no crime;.....
(It is significant to note that, in both of Polo’s block quotes above, he criticizes Muslim doctrine — not so much Muslim peoples. In other words, he allows for what would today be called “moderate” Muslims, as shown by his aforementioned praise for individual Muslim leaders.)
'he allows for what would today be called “moderate” Muslims'
And yet, it is precisely 'Muslim doctrine' [ISLAM] which causes the moslem [as an individual] to so often err, morally.
Yet the moslem [as a group] refuse to acknowledge any wrongdoing in being guided by 'Muslim doctrine' [ISLAM],
which sanctions which 'makes lawful' many criminal actions.
And within that moral framework, ISLAM 'normalises', and makes lawful,
a culture of intimidation, theft, political violence [terrorism], rape, murder,
so long as the victims of those [often violent] crimes are not moslems.
And like so many, you
are a part of it Brian.
The wrongdoing.
Because you are unwilling to criticise the MANIFEST wrongdoings of the moslem, because clearly,
you have decided that it is not in your own interests to do so.
Brian Ross wrote on Sep 15
th, 2013 at 5:39pm:
I make no excuses for those nations and their laws, BV. I merely recognise that it is their right to create and unfortunately impose those punishments. It is terrible but I also recognise I have no right or ability to criticise them. I am neither a member of their religion or a citizen of any of those nations.