polite_gandalf wrote on Feb 23
rd, 2017 at 10:04am:
freediver wrote on Feb 22
nd, 2017 at 8:07pm:
I mocked it for the same reason I woulkd mock a Nazi complaining about western interference in Hitler's grand scheme of a thousand year reich.
You mocked it because you didn't believe it happened. So you are in disagreement with the article.
However you are on the same page on justifying the violent persecution of peaceful protesters.
But FD has never mocked Nazis complaining about things. He's had ample opportunity on this board.
Let's see, there's Herbie, Bogie, Sprint, Gordon, Homo, Honky and the old boy - all card-carrying Nazis in one form or another. All have championed National Socialism and Nazi racial theory. All have defended Nazi methods, including concentration camps and mass executions.
And then there's Moses, with whom FD is in sound agreement. Moses is an interesting case as he transcribes racial characteristics onto Muslims, those who the above posters are keen to distinguish from a race - "not racist". Moses' arguments about inbreeding and "retardation" turn FD's "criticism of Islam" into a whole new racial agenda, and FD supports it completely. FD supports the detention of people at airports who "look" Muslim for Muslim-specific screening and banning. FD has also added Aboriginals to his arguments about Muslims, claiming they have additional legal rights to white people. FD's purpose, as he says, is to defend the "freedoms of white people everywhere", who are under attack from certain cultural and racial groups, including Muslims and Aboriginals.
This, of course, was the very basis of the Nazi program. Hitler wanted to defend the German people from the "racial pollution" of the Jews, gypsies and other races. Nazism created a social hierarchy based on race, with certain races identified as "sub-humans", people to be stripped of all human and legal rights.
FD has defended this categorization too, using an inscrutable genetic argument no one here could follow. While he has stopped short at calling for a ban or culling of
all the "sub-human" races, as Herbie and others do regularly here, it's hard to imagine the post-2007 FD holding back. He has never criticized or disagreed with such arguments, and ignored all questions when asked directly.
The post-2007 FD has never mocked the Nazis. Every post FD has made defends their arguments. Every question put to FD on this subject has been evaded. While FD likes to complain about having words "put in his mouth", he either refuses to put words in his own mouth, or agrees with the arguments of the Nazis. Indeed, FD has complained about words put in his mouth that FD himself has said. When his own words are put to him, FD changes the subject, asks more questions, or leaves the thread.
Freeeeedom, innit.