Saudi ambassador- Atheists are terrorists"There are only two races in the world, the decent and the indecent."
Victor Frankl - Nazi Holocaust survivor
Yadda said.... Quote:
Moslems are dangerous people.
Moslems are a danger to everyone who is not a moslem.
.....that is simply the nature of the beast.
greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 2
nd, 2017 at 7:09pm:
Ah yes, "All Muslims are terrorists, and all terrorists are Muslims".
Quote:"....the death of those who are killed for the cause of God gives more impetus to the cause, which continues to thrive on their blood."
ISLAMIC religious scholar, Sayyid Qutb
Moslems, are a group of people who follow a 'religion' [i.e. a death cult called
which teaches the moslem that killing disbelievers is a wholly 'lawful' act.
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And that is how ISLAM is 'priming' the psyche, of every moslem, who we allow to live among us !!!
It can be 'fun' to allow people like moslems to live among us !
/sarc off
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Farhad Khalil Mohammad Jabar outside Parramatta police headquarters
ISLAMIC culture encouraged Farhad Khalil Mohammad Jabar, to murder Australian Curtis Cheng.
Farhad Khalil Mohammad Jabar was inspired by ISLAM's imperative, which urged him TO KILL THE ENEMIES OF ALLAH.
A moslem is a follower of
ISLAM. < --------
dictionary definition.
And ISLAM teaches the moslem, that
all disbelievers are the enemies of Allah. [Koran 2.98]
And ISLAMIC religious doctrine teaches, that the moslem who fights and kills an enemy of Allah, is a virtuous and good moslem. [Koran 9.111]