Recently freed terrorist Abdul Benbrika is costing taxpayers a bomb
In 1989 a man got under our guard, arrived and illegally stayed and later decided that on behalf of his god he would kill as many of us as possible.
He was Abdul Nacer Benbrika, an indolent, venomous and malevolent liar – we could not trust him then and would be well advised not to do so today.
Benbrika has become Australia’s most expensive immigrant. The year he arrived on our shores, ASIO’s annual budget was just more than $32m. Because of Benbrika and men like him, ASIO’s 2023-24 budget is almost $600m.
Controversially, on December 19, Benbrika was freed from jail after serving 15 years, having been convicted in 2008 for organising a terrorist cell and making plans to kill as many Australians as it could.
His gang discussed assassinating prime minister John Howard, bombing the MCG on AFL grand final day, or perhaps Flemington Racecourse on Melbourne Cup Day. Maybe even Melbourne’s Crown Casino on the day of the Formula One Grand Prix. They couldn’t quite decide.
While lying to the Immigration Review Tribunal after overstaying a one-month visa issued to him in May 1989, he said one of the reasons he wanted to stay here was because of his “love of the Australian lifestyle”.
He managed to have his visa extended at least twice before being declared a prohibited non-citizen. Three times we acted to expel him from Australia but, unaccountably, Benbrika was given a permanent residence visa in 1996 and two years later became a citizen of the country to whose lifestyle he claimed to be so attached.
But Islamic fundamentalists such as Benbrika are enemies of civilisation and modernity.It was after this, and safely ensconced in Australia as a citizen, that Benbrika showed his true colours. Speaking to the ABC and by now calling himself Sheik Benbrika, he spoke of his support for bin Laden and of his hostility to anything other than extreme Islam.
“Osama bin Laden, he’s a great man,” said Benbrika, vigorously nodding his head. “I don’t accept all other religions except the religion of Islam.”
The last census found that 3.2 per cent of Australians claimed to be Muslims. Benbrika and his gang set out to show the other 96.8 per cent of Australians what they thought of them.
His provocative TV interview sparked interest in him from ASIO. They raided his home and started carefully monitoring his movements, mates and motives.
Ill-informed commentator Waleed Aly dismissed Benbrika’s groups as “a splinter of a splinter of a splinter”. But when it comes to our open societies, a splinter – even a one-man cell of Islamic hate – can be all you need. We’ll never know how close Benbrika and his friends went to proving that. We didn’t know it at the time but, following a tip-off, various agencies were already investigating Benbrika and others. The meter had started ticking for the Australian taxpayer. It has never stopped. And it never will.
In 2020 home affairs minister Peter Dutton revoked Benbrika’s citizenship to protect Australians from the danger posed by the convicted terrorist. The High Court restored his citizenship last October. On December 19 he was freed from jail on a one-year extended supervision order.
But such surveillance does not come cheap. In an exclusive report by Cameron Stewart in this newspaper a decade ago, he revealed that it would cost taxpayers $8m (about $10.5m in today’s dollars) to “have a single Australian jihadist monitored around the clock by security agencies”.
That’s apparently what we’ll be doing with Benbrika, and understandably so. Deradicalisation is a contested idea. Britain’s Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation, Jonathan Hall KC, says
there is no magic bullet when it comes to convicted extremists and that, as with sex offenders, they are devious and would say what the authorities wanted to hear.Benbrika is aged 63 or 64 – his birthdate seems never to have been established – and can expect to live another 20 years or more, by which time he may have cost Australia more than $200m. is a magic bullet, actually.