She's probably a good choice given the current state of the psyche of the australian voter.
Fat steve , the australian voter, sees life only in terms of what he can "take". he has no concept of contribution. His mentality is one of apathy, lethargy, pleasuring himself and numbing his brain with sugar and fat and booze and trashy TV.
Such a person is in "low vibration energy". he sees no big picture for himself . his dreams are shattered and all he wants to do is "cope". just "cope" with this harsh world.
Such a person (ie the majority of voters) can only vibe with a whiney, negative, butt hurt, anxious, fearful and toxic marrative. This is the narrative of the labor party. there is no plan, there is no support for the people with grit, guts and determination, there is only pandering to the "takers". because the majority are now takers and leaners, the country will enter a downward spiral.
everyone will descend into blame, playing the victim, being needy and trying to grab their share. this is not the recipe for a successful, dynamic economy and community. the recipe for success is
maximal personal responsibility maximal support for the entrepreneurs and small business people maximal community spirit divorced from central government.
these 3 ideas are the opposite of the labor ideology which stands for
no personal responsibility...the nanny state no support for entrepreneurs for public sector chodes big government and not local communities.
Miss P may well become PM but she is pandering to the lowest of aspirations...the aspiration to take and to be selfish and to see contribution as a dirty word...she and her party are so far from the "narrow road to success" they will never find it