polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 11 th, 2017 at 6:51am: Karnal wrote on Apr 10 th, 2017 at 8:43pm: Frank wrote on Apr 10 th, 2017 at 7:07pm: Karnal wrote on Apr 9 th, 2017 at 6:48pm: Frank wrote on Apr 9 th, 2017 at 6:22pm: Karnal wrote on Apr 9 th, 2017 at 5:18pm: The Bondi Yehiva teaches from a largely orthodox curriculum. Mothers in head coverings (wigs) pick kids up from school. Food served is Kosher. Religion taught is pre-historic. The gender roles are tighter than Islam. And like every other school the world over, the traffic banks up at 3pm.
Despite all this, Gordon carries on, happy in the knowledge that the country he migrated to gives those of his culture the freedom to be non-assimilating traditionalists who practice a Semitic, patriarchal and homophobic lifestyle. They have their own courts in Australia, the Beth Din. The shelves of Bondi Junction Coles are filled with their own certified food products. They don't work on Saturdays, and they don't shake women's hands. I'm not allowed to enter the place they prepare their food - too unclean.
But do you know? We wouldn't have it any other way.
Right, Homo? Quaint like the Amish but harmless. Unlike the jihadis. That's the difference between Jehova Heights and Auburnon - jihad. But you knew that already but just pretended it didn't matter. Oh yes, of course I knew you'd compare a DET-accredited private school to a sinister global network of terrorist cells, old boy, I just thought you might like to change tacK for a bit and discuss how Local Government, for all its faults, actually protects our civil liberties and is our front-line defence against the rule of the mob. Let's return to our age-old chat about Australian Muslim terrorism. We can discuss great Muslim acts of terror like the Hilton bombing and the bombing of the Turkish consulate, before you get all confused, have a meltdown and return to the perennial subject of beards, headscarves and varying degrees of tintedness (correlation not causation). You revert to mindless jibberish when you are shown your stupidity. The Jews are not waging a religious jihad on anyone. Muslims DO. Including 'Australian' Muslims. You're an "Australian" Scandinavian, you shifty, evasive nice person. Anders Breivik was a Scandinavian. Ipso facto, you people aren't welcome here, and nor are your terrorist Lutheran schools. Happy now? Oh K - we can go much further with that logic: Frank is a white nationalist from Scandinavia who wants muslims completely removed from the west. Anders Breivik is a white nationalist from Scandinavia who wants muslims completely removed from the west. Ipso facto, Frank is part of a extremist ideology who are willing to carry out terrorism to achieve their aims. I mean, have you ever actually heard Frank condemn Breivik? Not once. In fact, Frank's old school chum Sore End went so far as to justify the work of Breivik. Sore End passionately argued that Breivik's motives were sound. He agreed wholeheartedly with Anders Breivik. White, Lutheran and bearded. Correlation not causation, innit.