Mr Hammer
Members of a Western Sydney community are rallying against a development application for an Islamic school after losing a similar battle for a mosque development more than two years ago.
Penrith residents first became alerted to the Islamic school's plans for a second campus in their area after a development application was placed in a local newspaper several weeks ago.
Despite the omission of the words Muslim or Islamic, it didn't escape the attention of alarmed local residents or Penrith City councillor Marcus Cornish.
"You're going to change the demographics and it is a passive takeover, if you like, of our area," Cr Cornish told A Current Affair.
"There is no demand in the area. We do have Muslim people in this area, most of those people have moved to this area to get away from that sort of thing. They want to integrate and be part of the Australian way of life."
Concerned residents became alarmed when they noticed the development application for the disused Department of Education and Training site in Penrith
Penrith City councillor Marcus Cornish does not agree with the plan and is actively opposing it
Irfan College already have one campus in Cecil Park, approximately 30km south-east of Penrith.
Principal Ali Arabaci said the school was hoping to open a second campus at a vacant Department of Education and Training district office on Henry Street.
He is keen to point out that nothing different happens at his school than at other religious schools.
"To become an accredited school you must be implementing the Australian curriculum," he said. "Eighty percent of our curriculum is comprised of that and the other 20 percent is religious studies, such as the Koran. This is the same practice as most, if not all, faith-based schools." Mr Arabici refutes Cr Cornish's claim that there is no demand for an Islamic school in the area, as about 30 percent of students attending the Cecil Park campus commute from the Penrith area.
Cr Cornish, who left the Liberal Party after Tony Abbott was replaced as Prime Minister by Malcolm Turnbull and is now an Independent, says local residents have a lot to fear.
"I will be proposing that all footpaths in the major thoroughfares in Penrith and sporting venues have barricades erected between them and the roads to protect people in case of an attack later," he said.
"We've seen it in other countries, why should we wait?"
Protest over a mosque in the area was incredibly heated two years ago
Residents of the predominantly Anglo-Saxon Penrith-region are concerned about what will happen to their community if more Islamic mosques or schools are approved
Mr Arabaci says he faced similar heated debate when the Irfan College's first campus opened in 2013.
"There was fears from the community and to date, it is our fifth year of operation and we take pride in saying there is not one complaint since our inception," he said.
A public meeting is planned for next month to discuss the development application.
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