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Penrith Residents Protest New Islamic School (Read 13100 times)
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Re: Penrith Residents Protest New Islamic School
Reply #60 - Apr 9th, 2017 at 12:46pm
Lord Herbert wrote on Apr 9th, 2017 at 8:43am:
Karnal wrote on Apr 8th, 2017 at 9:38pm:
That's one. Good.

Unfortunately, as Homo has just pointed out, the site used to be a school.

Rezoning for high density residential apartments to be built there in view of Badgery's Creek becoming another international airport.

Residential zoning includes schools, Herbie. Kids gotta go to school, unfortunately.

Have you considered the environmental protection act? It's a bit of a stab, but we could try to preserve some of the fine examples of grasses imported by generations of Anglo Celtic settlers, serving as a habitat for hares, rabbits, foxes and other introduced fauna.

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Re: Penrith Residents Protest New Islamic School
Reply #61 - Apr 9th, 2017 at 1:13pm
Karnal wrote on Apr 9th, 2017 at 12:29am:
Frank wrote on Apr 8th, 2017 at 11:39pm:
Don't be all Eddie Obeid about it - they don't want it near them.

Never mind who is your bitch in which layer of government.

Never mind? I say, old chap, what are you inferring? 

We abandon the rule of law? Private school funding? The Local Planning Act (1901)? Freedom of religion? The right to grow beards?

No worries. Let's do it. Just one thing, dear boy, what should we do with St John's Lutheran school?

That's enough mincing from you.

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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Mr Hammer
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Re: Penrith Residents Protest New Islamic School
Reply #62 - Apr 9th, 2017 at 1:14pm
Karnal wrote on Apr 9th, 2017 at 12:34pm:
Mr Hammer wrote on Apr 9th, 2017 at 10:38am:
Penrith is a friendly pretty city with the mountains in the backdrop and a beautiful river running through it. It would break my heart to see 12 year old girls covered head to toe filing out onto the main drag at 3 o clock. It just doesn't belong. Penrith is 200 years old and built by anglo/celts. That's the culture of the place. That's why Lakemba and Karnal's Granville are crapholes  and Penrith is peaceful and pretty.

Given up, have you?
You have. The local Sunni Lebbos own your suburb. They do what they want.
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Re: Penrith Residents Protest New Islamic School
Reply #63 - Apr 9th, 2017 at 1:58pm
Frank wrote on Apr 9th, 2017 at 1:13pm:
Karnal wrote on Apr 9th, 2017 at 12:29am:
Frank wrote on Apr 8th, 2017 at 11:39pm:
Don't be all Eddie Obeid about it - they don't want it near them.

Never mind who is your bitch in which layer of government.

Never mind? I say, old chap, what are you inferring? 

We abandon the rule of law? Private school funding? The Local Planning Act (1901)? Freedom of religion? The right to grow beards?

No worries. Let's do it. Just one thing, dear boy, what should we do with St John's Lutheran school?

That's enough mincing from you.

Don't want to say, eh?

I understand. You like meatballs, no?
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Re: Penrith Residents Protest New Islamic School
Reply #64 - Apr 9th, 2017 at 2:00pm
Mr Hammer wrote on Apr 9th, 2017 at 1:14pm:
Karnal wrote on Apr 9th, 2017 at 12:34pm:
Mr Hammer wrote on Apr 9th, 2017 at 10:38am:
Penrith is a friendly pretty city with the mountains in the backdrop and a beautiful river running through it. It would break my heart to see 12 year old girls covered head to toe filing out onto the main drag at 3 o clock. It just doesn't belong. Penrith is 200 years old and built by anglo/celts. That's the culture of the place. That's why Lakemba and Karnal's Granville are crapholes  and Penrith is peaceful and pretty.

Given up, have you?
You have. The local Sunni Lebbos own your suburb. They do what they want.

We all do, Homo, we all do. We're quite liberal that way.

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Lord Herbert
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Re: Penrith Residents Protest New Islamic School
Reply #65 - Apr 9th, 2017 at 2:05pm
Islamic schools are training grounds for producing indoctrinated Muslims who take their authority and inspiration from the Koran and the local imams, with 'Christian Australia', by default, being relegated to dhimmi status as a society yet to be conquered by Islam.

That's enough reason for not providing any more schools for our political and cultural competitors.

We're not allowed to poison the wells, so let's drain them.
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Re: Penrith Residents Protest New Islamic School
Reply #66 - Apr 9th, 2017 at 3:03pm
Lord Herbert wrote on Apr 9th, 2017 at 2:05pm:
Islamic schools are training grounds for producing indoctrinated Muslims who take their authority and inspiration from the Koran and the local imams, with 'Christian Australia', by default, being relegated to dhimmi status as a society yet to be conquered by Islam.

That's enough reason for not providing any more schools for our political and cultural competitors.

We're not allowed to poison the wells, so let's drain them.

You're not allowed to ban religious schools either, so why are you even bothering to whinge? I know it's in your DNA, but surely you can learn to do something a little smarter with the rest of your life than just mindlessly bleating away.

I've given you a few tricks in this thread and others, but I won't be there to hold your hand when you shuffle off this mortal coil. Then, you're on your own.

So until then, why not empower yourself with knowledge and facts? Stop the useless whining and get smart. Stop trying to fool us, but most importantly, stop deceiving yourself.

You face oblivion. The world you knew is finished. You can never resurrect it. You now face a journey where your accceptance of change is crucial. Prepare yourself.

The Muslim school in Penrith is the least of your problems, but if it meets planning guidelines, the only thing that's going to stop it is problems with the banks.

This is the world we live in, and you know it. Acccept your fate, as we accept ours. We'll all be dealt with in the fullness of time.
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Re: Penrith Residents Protest New Islamic School
Reply #67 - Apr 9th, 2017 at 3:06pm
Islamic schools are an external campus to study saudi wahabisim
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Re: Penrith Residents Protest New Islamic School
Reply #68 - Apr 9th, 2017 at 3:09pm
What the!

The school that won’t let girls run… Because the principal fears they will lose their virginity.

1. Islamic School in Victoria bans girls from running.

Girls at the Islamic Schools of Victoria, Al-Taqwa College, outside Melbourne have been banned from running at sporting events because the principal believes it may cause them to lose their virginity.

islamic school fi
Girls were banned from running at sporting events.
The Age reports that a former teacher has written to the education ministers claiming female students were being discriminated against.

“The principal holds beliefs that if females run excessively, they may ‘lose their virginity’,” the letter says.

“The principal believes that there is scientific evidence to indicate that if girls injure themselves, such as break their leg while playing soccer, it could render them infertile.”

Another letter written by students to the Principal says “It was really shocking to find out it has been cancelled because of the excuse girls can’t run,” the students said.

“Just because we are girls doesn’t mean we can’t participate in running events. It also doesn’t say girls can’t run in the hadith (the sayings of Muhammad).”

The Age reports that the Principal Omar Hallak prevented the female primary school cross-country team from participating in a 2013 and 2014 district event.

Another former Al-Taqwa College teacher told The Age “I was told the girls weren’t allowed to participate. The reason was they might over-exert themselves and lose their virginity or be rendered infertile.”

The Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority which regulate schools is investigating the allegations.
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Re: Penrith Residents Protest New Islamic School
Reply #69 - Apr 9th, 2017 at 3:10pm
Gordon wrote on Apr 9th, 2017 at 3:06pm:
Islamic schools are an external campus to study saudi wahabisim

So tell the Waverley Council. Expect to be given a pamphlet with their equal opportunity and diversity policies.
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Re: Penrith Residents Protest New Islamic School
Reply #70 - Apr 9th, 2017 at 3:14pm
Karnal wrote on Apr 9th, 2017 at 3:10pm:
Gordon wrote on Apr 9th, 2017 at 3:06pm:
Islamic schools are an external campus to study saudi wahabisim

So tell the Waverley Council. Expect to be given a pamphlet with their equal opportunity and diversity policies.

Do you give the puritanical Saudi style proselytisation the thumbs up?
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Mr Hammer
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Re: Penrith Residents Protest New Islamic School
Reply #71 - Apr 9th, 2017 at 3:16pm
Hey Karnal, I'm 100% certain this school will get knocked back. It won't be the last time either.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Penrith Residents Protest New Islamic School
Reply #72 - Apr 9th, 2017 at 3:29pm
Mr Hammer wrote on Apr 9th, 2017 at 3:16pm:
Hey Karnal, I'm 100% certain this school will get knocked back. It won't be the last time either.

Nearly everything you're 100% certain of goes the other way. When this is pointed out to you, you go into hiding. You're most obedient that way, Homo.

You have no right to tell others how to run a school, what to wear, or what to believe. You have no say in whether a religious school opens up a couple of suburbs away, no matter how many online petitions you sign or emails you pass on from One Nation - and for you, this would be doing something.

We have a rule of law which applies to everyone. If you want to get a collection of like-minded parents together and open an Aussie Aussie Aussie private school, you're perfectly free to do so. I have no right to tell you to close it down or go somewhere else, and I wouldn't. You're free to impart your values onto your kids, as long as they're legal.

Your kids will learn for themselves when they get older. They'll decide whether you're full of krap or not.
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Mr Hammer
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Re: Penrith Residents Protest New Islamic School
Reply #73 - Apr 9th, 2017 at 3:34pm
Karnal wrote on Apr 9th, 2017 at 3:29pm:
Mr Hammer wrote on Apr 9th, 2017 at 3:16pm:
Hey Karnal, I'm 100% certain this school will get knocked back. It won't be the last time either.

Nearly everything you're 100% certain of goes the other way. When this is pointed out to you, you go away.

You have no right to tell others how to run a school, what to wear, or what to believe. You have no say in whether a religious school opens up a couple of suburbs away, no matter how many online petitions you sign or emails you pass on from One Nation - and for you, this would be doing something.

We have a rule of law which applies to everyone. If you want to get a collection of like-minded parents together and open an Aussie Aussie Aussie private school, you're perfectly free to do so. I have no right to tell you to close it down or go somewhere else, and I wouldn't. You're free to impart your values onto your kids, as long as they're legal.

Your kids will learn for themselves when they get older. They'll decide whether you're full of krap or not.
Mo rons like you still haven't realised how sick of Islam people are . Penrith doesn't want it. It won't go ahead because they want a huge school on Penrith's main road. Kids coming and going will clog traffic up. That's why it won't go ahead. Put the school in Granvenon. That's where it's culturally compatible.
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Re: Penrith Residents Protest New Islamic School
Reply #74 - Apr 9th, 2017 at 3:35pm
Karnal wrote on Apr 9th, 2017 at 3:29pm:
Mr Hammer wrote on Apr 9th, 2017 at 3:16pm:
Hey Karnal, I'm 100% certain this school will get knocked back. It won't be the last time either.

Nearly everything you're 100% certain of goes the other way. When this is pointed out to you, you go into hiding. You're most obedient that way, Homo.

You have no right to tell others how to run a school, what to wear, or what to believe. You have no say in whether a religious school opens up a couple of suburbs away, no matter how many online petitions you sign or emails you pass on from One Nation - and for you, this would be doing something.

We have a rule of law which applies to everyone. If you want to get a collection of like-minded parents together and open an Aussie Aussie Aussie private school, you're perfectly free to do so. I have no right to tell you to close it down or go somewhere else, and I wouldn't. You're free to impart your values onto your kids, as long as they're legal.

Your kids will learn for themselves when they get older. They'll decide whether you're full of krap or not.

Why are you so in favour of Saudi style education?
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