Mr Hammer
Karnal wrote on Apr 9 th, 2017 at 6:02pm: Mr Hammer wrote on Apr 9 th, 2017 at 5:13pm: Brian Ross wrote on Apr 9 th, 2017 at 5:08pm: Mr Hammer wrote on Apr 9 th, 2017 at 5:02pm: Brian Ross wrote on Apr 9 th, 2017 at 4:53pm: Gordon wrote on Apr 9 th, 2017 at 3:35pm: Karnal wrote on Apr 9 th, 2017 at 3:29pm: Mr Hammer wrote on Apr 9 th, 2017 at 3:16pm: Hey Karnal, I'm 100% certain this school will get knocked back. It won't be the last time either. Nearly everything you're 100% certain of goes the other way. When this is pointed out to you, you go into hiding. You're most obedient that way, Homo. You have no right to tell others how to run a school, what to wear, or what to believe. You have no say in whether a religious school opens up a couple of suburbs away, no matter how many online petitions you sign or emails you pass on from One Nation - and for you, this would be doing something. We have a rule of law which applies to everyone. If you want to get a collection of like-minded parents together and open an Aussie Aussie Aussie private school, you're perfectly free to do so. I have no right to tell you to close it down or go somewhere else, and I wouldn't. You're free to impart your values onto your kids, as long as they're legal. Your kids will learn for themselves when they get older. They'll decide whether you're full of krap or not. Why are you so in favour of Saudi style education? Perhaps because you haven't produced any evidence that is what will happen? In reality, Islamic schools in Australia appear to have similar teaching curricular to all other schools in Australia. Tsk, tsk, shot down again, hey, Gordon?  except for the gender divide. Interestingly, gender division has been discussed for a long time in general education circles outside the religious sphere, Hammer. It seems boys do better without girls in some subjects and girls without boys in others. Funny that, hey? I have a Muslim school 1km from my house. The boys run around playing sport in shorts and t shirts while the girls swelter covered head to toe in a segregated game of catch. There's loads of differences between between Islamic education and the rest. Particularly in the arts. It doesn't belong in Penrith. Penrith as a aussie town. It's like building a mosque in Vatican City. Religious and cultural compatibility is something that really needs to be taken into account with developments. So, after 5 pages, Homo finally comes out with it: he has a Muslim school a k away from his mum's house. Do you believe it? Of course not, but the problems Homo describes have nothing to do with traffic, nothing about loud noises or calls to prayer or anything else that might effect his personal liberty. The problem? Homo has to witness the segregation of the sexes through the school fence. So unfair, Homo, I know. Just Make sure you steer clear of the Bondi Yeshiva next time you travel to the white leafy ghettos to hang out with the kids, okay? We wouldn't want to see you getting traumatised or anything. Not the school fence you silly old fart, on a public oval. And the bloody mosque/school banks up traffic everyday and causes issues with illegal parking. In a more central place like High St Penrith it would be a disaster. Apparently the government sold this heritage listed site (Penrith Public School 1870) to this Saudi based company. Far king trechorous scum. We'll stop it though.