Gordon wrote on Apr 7
th, 2017 at 10:23pm:
I'd put it differently.
Conservative mainstream Islam pump primes people so all the extremists have to do is give them a nudge to get them over the line, and then all the Imams do this little farcical dance.....but Islam is the religion of peace.
I would put it that an enthusiastic muslim is on par with a lunatic christian as far as the level of bat sh1t murdering crazy goes.
So from sane and easy to get a long with to the fkkers who should be killed in their sleep.
Atheists / agnostics / Buddhists
Other eastern religions / Jews
Barely showing up to church christians - weddings, christening, funerals
Enthusiastic christians, go on sundays and believes in the fairy tale
Moderate muslims / orthodox anything
Enthusiastic muslims, lunatic christians, will justify killing in the name of the fairytale
Lunatic muslims / sh1t throwing mental patients (advanced lunatic christians) , actually kills indiscriminately for 'god's approval'