Agnes wrote on Apr 11
th, 2017 at 9:56pm:
Image result for fake news means
Fake news is a type of hoax or deliberate spread of misinformation (false information), be it via the traditional print or broadcasting news media or via Internet-based social media. To qualify as fake news, a story has to be written and published with the intent to mislead in order to gain financially or politically."
This describes the way Trump ran his campaign aided with the help of Russians the whole way.. Trump just assumes everyone is like him..
If you have ever done an IQ test - one of the exercises is to fill in the blank eg 2,4,6,( ) or recognize a pattern eg which is most unlike the others, cow, dog, horse, rose.
We (the public) have no idea what goes on behind closed doors where the Worlds power resides. We can only estimate the probabilities of whether some event is true or not based on our knowledge of humanity and history.
Now the incident that sparked America to enter the Vietnam war was the Gulf of Tonkin incident - which we now know was faked with a complicit media.
"Weapons of mass destruction" was the phrase used to justify the attack on Iraq. Again a manufactured phrase invented by unknowns and parroted by the MSM.
"Babies being thrown out of incubators" was a lie made by an actress before the US congress reported uncritically by the Media to justify the invasion of Kuwait.
The list is almost endless of lies, deceptions, false flags and staged events all to fool the public and it works. The result is that millions die from our stupidity. Because we fail to see the patterns and fill in the spaces. We fail the IQ test.
So you you think the MSM is not fake?