Quote:Sweden: est 77% of rapes committed by 2% Muslim male population – Crime statistics
This article below, taken from affes.wordpress.com from 2012 – a blog that investigates government statistics on immigration – touches upon the overrepresentation of ‘foreign’ born criminals in Sweden’s crime statistics. All data is compiled from The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, or BRÅ, described on its website to be “an agency under the Ministry … Continue reading →
Quote:1 in 7 (14.7%) Germans 32 & Younger Are Muslim—3 Times What Angela Merkel’s Government Claims
1 in 7 (14.7%) Germans 32 & Younger Are Muslim—3 Times What Angela Merkel’s Government Claims February 19, 2017 Spencer P Morrison NationalEconomicsEditorial.com Germany’s population is declining, and this will cause economic problems—but increased immigration and accepting refugees (migrants) won’t fix it. In fact, by some estimates refugees have already cost Germany $1,241,050,000,000—this number will … Continue reading →
Quote:Muslim Refugees Will Cost Sweden $18.6 Billion This Year—9.3x Over-Budget
A big thanks to Spencer Morrison for sharing his article with us. . . Refugees Will Cost Sweden $18.6 Billion This Year—9.3x Over-Budget February 10, 2017 by Spencer P Morrison NationalEconomicsEditorial.com Revised February 19, 2017. Sweden’s 318,000 “Syrian” refugees, or migrants, will cost the country a bare minimum of $18.6 billion USD in 2017. That’s … Continue reading →
Quote:One Million Child Victims of Muslim Rape Gangs in the U.K.?
This report was published in 2015 but is important to republish to demonstrate the scale of the problems in Britain. Bear in mind that the claims of one million children in the country being victims of Muslim rape gangs is not exposed by a conservative but by a member of the pro-migration and left-wing Labour … Continue reading →
Sweden’s Muslim problem: Half a million women sex attacked in a year
This now puts Sweden in the top position for sex crimes in the world. Put this into perspective to see how horrific these figures truly are: The total Swedish population is only 9.6 million people. In 2009 a US report stated that there are 450,000 to 500,000 Muslims in Sweden, around 5% of the total … Continue reading →
Sweden’s Muslim rape problem: Sex crimes against women doubled in three years
We all know by now from past statistics what group is responsible for sex attacks in Sweden. The article is translated with Bing into English: . . The number of sex crimes against women doubled in three years From Avpixlat, Published November 3, 2o16 On Thursday the Crime Prevention Council [Brottsförebyggande rådet] released its annual security … Continue reading →
Germany: Muslim migrants committed 142,500 crimes in first six months of 2016 — 780 every day
Angela Merkel under more pressure over refugee policy as it is revealed migrants committed 142,500 crimes in Germany during the first six months of 2016 Police data shows migrants committed 142,500 crimes in first half of 2016 The statistics come from Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office Comes as Angela Merkel faces pressure over her … Continue reading →