while dear ones are fumbling in the dark ..
real news continues to eventual !
https://daily-vine.com/breaking-subpoena-has-been-sent-hillarys-hell-is-about-to...BREAKING: Subpoena Has Been SENT! Hillary’s Hell Is About To Break Loose!
Multiple subpoenas have been sent out…
Published on March 21, 2018 By Liberty Belle 
When Donald Trump won the presidency in 2016, it signaled the end of the criminal corruption taking place in our nation’s capital, but the wheels of justice have turned slowly. For the past year, the American people have been patiently waiting to see if Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton would pay for their treasonous activities and it appears that the wait may finally be over after learning of the multiple subpoenas that were just sent out.
During the Obama administration, conservative Americans were in utter shock watching the blatant disregard for the constitution and our nation’s laws on a daily basis. It appeared that Obama and his fellow Democrats could get away with any crime and there would be no repercussions for their criminal actions. The worst of these acts was the FBI’s apparent mishandling of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server and the deletion of thousands of government emails. While any other average American would face years behind bars for this act, former FBI director James Comey cleared Clinton of any wrongdoing much to the dismay of conservatives.
It seemed at that point, nothing would be done, and Hillary Clinton would continue to walk free without facing any consequences for her actions, but that may not be the case any longer.
After Donald Trump was elected, the case into Hillary Clinton was revived as members of the House Judiciary Committee began to dig further into the email scandal, and now they are ready to move forward with their investigation. After years, of Hillary and her crimes being swept under the rug by an apparent bias in our Department of Justice, that is about to change. According to recent reports, several subpoenas have been sent to the Department of Justice that all stem from the handling of a myriad of Hillary Clinton scandals, and you can be sure this time it won’t be forgotten.
Quote:Donald J. Trump
Crooked Hillary should not be allowed to run for president. She deleted 33,000 e-mails AFTER getting a subpoena from U.S. Congress. RIGGED!
10:01 PM - Nov 1, 2016
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Here is more from The Hill: “The head of the House Judiciary Committee is expected to subpoena the Department of Justice (DOJ) as soon as this week to obtain documents related to how the FBI handled its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server, The Hill has learned.
Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) have been leading a joint probe into what the two lawmakers say may be evidence of political bias in the highest levels at the Justice Department.
While one source with direct knowledge of the matter cautioned that the exact timeline was still murky, multiple sources told The Hill that they expect the summons to go out Wednesday or Thursday.
The chairman on Monday notified the ranking Democrat, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), that a subpoena is forthcoming, a spokesperson separately confirmed.
Under Judiciary committee rules, the chairman must consult the ranking member two business days “before issuing any subpoena” — suggesting that the move is imminent.
Republicans have become increasingly frustrated over the past couple months at what they say is the lagging pace in which the DOJ has turned over documents from the inspector general’s concurrent probe into the 2016 presidential election. GOP lawmakers say they’ve received only a small fraction of the records they want to obtain — approximately 3,000 out of 1.2 million documents.
Goodlatte has been under tremendous pressure from conservatives in his own committee to pick up the pace of the investigation. On Sunday, he threatened to subpoena the law enforcement agency “soon” if it did not turn over the documents the committee is seeking.
“We need to have those documents,” Goodlatte told host Maria Bartiromo on Fox News’s “Sunday Morning Futures.”
“We’ve had communications with the Department of Justice about this and they know that not just myself and Chairman Gowdy, but many other members of the House are very concerned about the slow nature of those documents being produced. And as I say, actions are going to have to take a new level here very soon,” he said.
It remains unclear which officials the subpoena will target. A Justice Department spokesperson declined to comment.”
It seems at this point in the game, the DOJ cannot hide their heads in the sand any longer and must do something regarding this high profile case. Between the tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch, the FISA warrant, the dossier, and Comey’s refusal to prosecute Hillary for her email server the DOJ must thoroughly investigate it all this time around.
http://thehill.com/policy/cybersecurity/379380-house-judiciary-chair-expected-to...House Judiciary Chair expected to issue DOJ subpoena over Clinton emails as soon as this week