Karnal wrote on Mar 26
th, 2018 at 3:09pm:
it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 26
th, 2018 at 3:00pm:
many blessings dear one ,
the one you mention , this obama , is playing his role, in accordance with the dance that continues ,
which is a part of the fabric, pertaining , but not limited to , this physical matrix , my feelings of one such as he is , is neither hither nor thither .. as all just is ,
and is in accordance with the divine plan .. one such as I am is not in conflict with such factual happenings ...
does this comfort you ? im interested in love and light
as we have transcended the state of duality
that many now reside within ..
Nay, dear one, it does not comfort one such I Am. Ye posteth bile on the Muslim Negro, but sweet nothings on the White Russian. Your feelings on both are, respectively, thither and hither.
Your thought matrix is mediated by the one known as Orange Potus, a leader you have pledged allegiance to.
Do you denyest this fact?
facts are observed as applicable information continues to be posted ,
when a positive fact or evidence emerges it is posted ,
when a negative fact or evidence emerges it is posted ,
both are applicable and are posted in accordance with the on topic nature of posted material added to applicable titled threads ,
and now here we go again beloved , into your spam nature and malcontent of material posted , why ?
because your hero hillary is about to be arrested ..
and so be it as karma , beloved one
is a b1tch it is said ,
https://i.imgflip.com/274zaf.jpgand so it is
I see. So what you're saying here is you just post neutral "facts" on world politics - hyperbolic "facts" posed by people in their lounge rooms speaking to camera; "facts" typed into simulated voice programs and disseminated by bots; "facts" made up by for-profit sites who generate their income from ad revenue based on hits from white supremacists and so-called patriots.
"Facts" that just coincidentally support Putin's geopolitical plan and promote a smear campaign against his enemies.