Gold Member

The Sandstorm is coming 🎵Doo doo doo doo🎵
Posts: 18252
Mianjin (Brisbane)
If Trump supporters were to ever desire Truth and Freedom as much as they do Money and Fame with their idolising of Trump, we'd have a chance at a better tomorrow.
Until then they'll keep mistaking might is right by listening to who ever yells the loudest (or tweets IN ALL CAPS) rather than bothering to be informed.
People can hold whatever opinions they like, but when they push those opinions as fact without any regard for the truth like light does, no matter how pointless it is because he's only interested in fake news and not the facts, be it about Trump, alient contact, flat earth, chemtrails, Michelle Obama being a man, I just can't sit in silence when that level of stupidity and willful ignorance is on display.
But it's the same cycle over and over.
Light makes a bullshit claim.
He gets called out.
He changes subject or tries to burry the callout with spam, reposts or memes.
He's asked to provide proof, instead wants others to prove him wrong by watching hours of video and critiquing each point raised in the video.
He refuses to answer any questions put to him.
Claims victory if nobody bothers to watch his videos.
Ignores those who do and claims victory anyway.
Moves onto the next topic and the cycle continues.
Right now we've had someone ask for proof, so I expect a distracting video or post about something different demanding others prove him wrong or something like that, at least if he'll stick to the usual script.