Trump denounces James Comey as 'untruthful slime ball' in response to book

Hours after President Trump called former FBI director James Comey a "LEAKER & LIAR" on Twitter, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders enumerated the ways they say he has lied. USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — President Trump went to rhetorical war with James Comey on Friday, calling him "a proven LEAKER & LIAR" and a "untruthful slime ball" in the wake of the former FBI director's book that likens the president to a dishonest mob boss.
"Virtually everyone in Washington thought he should be fired for the terrible job he did-until he was, in fact, fired," Trump said of Comey in a pair of remarkably critical and personal tweets.
"He is a weak and untruthful slime ball who was, as time has proven, a terrible Director of the FBI," Trump said.
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders let loose with another barrage of insults hours later, calling Comey "a disgraced partisan hack" and saying his book belongs "in the bargain bin of the fiction section."
An untruthful slime ball...President Trump ramping up the attacks on former FBI Director James Comey. Buzz60
She said Trump's decision to fire Comey last year would go down as "one of the president's greatest acheivements."
Lawmakers from both parties criticized Trump for his dismissal of Comey. It is the subject of an investigation into whether he sought to obstruct justice in the probe of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
Details of Comey's book — A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership — are leaking out as he prepares for a full-scale media tour next week.
The former FBI director said Trump appeared to lean on him to go easy on former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, who was indicted on charges of lying to the FBI about his post-election contact with a Russian ambassador.
Offering an overall assessment of Trump, Comey writes that "this president is unethical, and untethered to truth and institutional values," according to news reports about the book. “His leadership is transactional, ego driven and about personal loyalty.”
Former FBI director, James Comey does not hold back in his new book, 'A Higher Loyalty.' He attacks President Trump, calling him 'unethical' and 'untethered to truth.' USA TODAY
In an interview broadcast Friday on ABC's Good Morning America, Comey said Trump also seemed obsessed with an unverified claim that during a trip to Moscow he watched two prostitutes engage in an unusual sexual act. Comey said Trump asked him to "prove that it didn't happen" and said it would be "terrible" if his wife Melania Trump believed the claim.
“I honestly never thought this words would come out of my mouth, but I don't know whether the current president of the United States was with prostitutes peeing on each other in Moscow in 2013,” Comey told ABC. “It's possible, but I don't know.”