BOMBSHELL REPORT: Mueller Allegedly Blackmailed General Flynn Into Signing ‘Guilty Plea’
May 16, 2018
If this report is true, the Deep State and The Swamp are a million times worse and more powerful than we ever imagined.
According to a bombshell report from True Pundit, General Michael Flynn did not sign a “guilty plea” for lying to the FBI because he was actually guilty.
Flynn allegedly signed the plea because Special Counsel Robert Mueller strong-armed and blackmailed him into it, by threatening Flynn’s family, namely his son, with investigations and piles of legal fees. Michael Flynn didn’t cut a deal with U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller because he was necessarily guilty of lying to the FBI, or any crimes, according to sources close to the retired general.
Flynn was muscled and coerced into a plea deal, several sources said.
Flynn plead guilty after Mueller threatened Flynn’s family, including his son Michael Jr. According to sources close to Flynn family, Mueller threatened Flynn on multiple occasions that if he did not plead guilty to lying to the FBI, Mueller would investigate other Flynn family members.
Including his son. And rack up thousands more dollars in legal fees.
“I didn’t do anything illegal so this notion that one of the thing the Special Counsel could do to get my father to accept a plea deal was threaten me has always been odd,” Michael Flynn Jr. told True Pundit.
Odd but true nonetheless.
A close family associate said Mueller and his team even threatened Flynn Jr. during a meeting with Gen. Flynn in the same room. Mueller’s apparent goal with the threats was to cause additional stress in the Flynn family as well as hike Flynn’s legal fees which were already bankrupting the family, sources said.
“Between the threats and the finances, he (Gen. Flynn) had to make a deal to put the brakes on this,” a family associate said. “This has nothing to do with guilt. This was survival.”
The former Trump national security adviser pleaded guilty on Dec. 1, 2017 to making false statements to the FBI about conversations with Russia’s ambassador.
But was Flynn truly guilty?
GOP lawmakers certainly have their doubts.
Flynn Jr. said even he tried to cooperate with Mueller and his team during the investigation to try to enhance his father’s chances of walking away from charges.
“I had to give up all my electronics last year which contained most of my personal info,” Flynn Jr. said. “Laptop, cell phone, USB’s, etc. They were only supposed to look at info ‘relevant’ to the investigation but knowing now how crooked these people are, I don’t trust anything.”
Crooked indeed, according to former FBI veteran Robyn Gritz.
Gritz is a friend of Gen. Flynn and she also worked under Mueller at the FBI for more than a decade.
The 16-year FBI veteran said the thug behavior fits the manner Mueller operated as FBI director.
“This is how Mueller fashioned OPR,” said Gritz, referring to the Bureau’s internal grievance system for FBI employees. “No need to find the truth. Throw charges at FBI employees and make them prove the OPR/Inspection Division is wrong.
“That is close to impossible. Mueller is continuing this practice with the Special Prosecutor.”
Mueller’s Trump Russia probe has certainly followed a similar recipe. So far he is not investigating a crime as much as he is searching for one.
Now lawmakers are finally questioning Mueller’s motives in the Flynn investigation and also if in fact he did lie to the FBI, based on the internal FBI reports from the two field agents who questioned Flynn about alleged Russian contacts. One of those agents was the FBI’s embattled Peter Strzok who was removed from Mueller’s team for anti-Trump bias and texts.
The interrogation was coordinated by former and fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe who around the same time — in early 2017 — had threatened during a staff meeting iof FBI brass: “bugger Flynn and then we f*ck Trump.”
Gen. Flynn could not be reached for comment.
After his plea deal was announced, Flynn released a statement on Dec. 1, 2017 that in part read:
“My guilty plea and agreement to cooperate with the Special Counsel’s office reflect a decision I made in the best interests of my family and our country.”
Also, based on recent court documents in Flynn’s case there appears to be a possibility that a judge could vacate his guilty plea and Flynn could walk away a free man.
And also free to talk.