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Drain the Swamp (Read 430392 times)
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Mianjin (Brisbane)
Re: Drain the Swamp
Reply #3075 - May 19th, 2018 at 8:11am
Conspiracy with unsubstantiated claims aren't facts.

One would think you'd have learnt this by now.

The problem is, you're too comfortable in your fantasy world and nobody anywhere would ever be able to change your mind.  You just don't care about the facts, it's that simple, sadly.
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Christ Light

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Re: Drain the Swamp
Reply #3076 - May 19th, 2018 at 8:20am

Day 212.2 Is Mike Flynn A Uranium One Amigo Like Mueller and Manafort?

Robert Mueller Invested In Hedge Funds Linked to Russia and George Soros

Robert Mueller’s complex financial entanglements include investments linked to George Soros and Russia. During Mueller’s tenure at the FBI, high profile cases of financial wrongdoing within hedge funds that he invested in were ignored by federal law enforcement.
An Offended America investigation has revealed that Robert Mueller’s holdings in a fund of funds expose him to Russian investments and to hedge funds tied to George Soros. Mueller’s exclusive hedge funds were not open to the general public, but rather wealthy private accredited investors. The minimum investment in several of the funds is $10 Million.

Mueller’s Russian Financial Interests

Mueller has been an investor in Mellon Optima L/S Strategy Fund, LLC for many years, according to his financial disclosures. That fund consists of holdings of other hedge funds in a structure commonly referred to as a “fund of funds”.

According to 2017 SEC Filings, one of the funds held by the Mellon Optima L/S Strategy Fund is the OCCO Eastern European Fund, run by Charlemagne Capital. The fund released a performance overview on August 31st that said in part:
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Christ Light

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Re: Drain the Swamp
Reply #3077 - May 19th, 2018 at 8:23am

Day 212.3. Is Flynn Running a Canary Trap - Playing the Informant To Bust Uranium Ring


Trump Suggests the FBI Had an 'Embedded Informant' in His 2016 Campaign

By NASH JENKINS May 17, 2018
President Donald Trump suggested Thursday that the F.B.I. under President Barack Obama had embedded an informant within the Trump campaign in 2016.

The President attributed this claim to Andrew McCarthy, an editor at the conservative National Review. In a recent column, McCarthy said that Glenn Simpson, the co-founder of an intelligence firm, Fusion GPS, that compiled research on Trump during the campaign, had testified to the Senate that the F.B.I. had a “human source” within the campaign. (According to McCarthy, Simpson later backpedaled, saying that he had mischaracterized what his source, the former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele who aided Fusion GPS with its research, had told him.)

“Wow, word seems to be coming out that the Obama FBI SPIED ON THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN WITH AN EMBEDDED INFORMANT,'” Trump tweeted. “Andrew McCarthy says, ‘There’s probably no doubt that they had at least one confidential informant in the campaign.'”

“If so, this is bigger than Watergate!” he concluded.

Donald J. Trump

Wow, word seems to be coming out that the Obama FBI “SPIED ON THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN WITH AN EMBEDDED INFORMANT.” Andrew McCarthy says, “There’s probably no doubt that they had at least one confidential informant in the campaign.” If so, this is bigger than Watergate!

10:45 PM - May 17, 2018
66.9K people are talking about this

According to Simpson, Steele had met with the F.B.I. in the fall of 2016 to discuss his concerns about Russian interference in the election. The agency told him they were already on it.

“Essentially what he told me was they had other intelligence about this matter from an internal Trump campaign source,” Simpson said in his Senate testimony. “My understanding was that they believed Chris at this point – that they believed Chris might be credible because they had other intelligence that indicated the same thing and one of those pieces of intelligence was a human source from inside the Trump organization.”

Trump has long been convinced that the Obama White House attempted to somehow stymie his effort to become president in 2016. Shortly after his inauguration last year, he claimed that his predecessor’s administration had wiretapped Trump Tower during the campaign — a claim eventually refuted by the Department of Justice following an investigation.
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Christ Light

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Re: Drain the Swamp
Reply #3078 - May 19th, 2018 at 8:28am

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Mianjin (Brisbane)
Re: Drain the Swamp
Reply #3079 - May 19th, 2018 at 8:58am
Not a single one of those stories is supported by any actual evidence, you're doing it again.

I've told you this before, but I'll offer it again, if you're reading or reposting an article from one of your conspiracy or extremist fringe right wing sources where the headline ends in a question make, as in, they're asking a question, this means they have no evidence and are implying the narrative they want, even if it is not supported by reality.  It's basically clickbait for the stupid, ala,

"Day 212.2 Is Mike Flynn A Uranium One Amigo Like Mueller and Manafort?"

The thing about evidence is, yes you may post the odd fact or two, but it still needs to support the claim make in the content.  In this case they don't.  In most of what you post if there is even a shred of truth to it, the final conclusion drawn is never supported by it.  This I suspect is why you so often rely on personal attacks, memes and pretending to be the victim.  Your claims and your message can't just stand up on their own.

It's very telling.

In this case, the bigger problem is the logic they (and I suppose you when you push their claims) are using to link the two has been dismissed in the past with Trump's financial ties to Russia.  They've bank rolled his business deals because he was seen as too toxic by US lenders and investors so he sought Russian backing.

We've been told that there is nothing wrong with this, it's just business, but now when it's not Trump but someone investigating Trump, it is evidence of guilt?

Not guilty when Trump, guilty when anyone else.  What was that picture you posted earlier again?

it_is_the_light wrote on May 19th, 2018 at 12:29am:

Exposed again?

Can you see the problems here? 

Are you going to be consistent with this line of questioning and judge Trump guilty of Russian Collusion because of his ties and subsequent cover up with Russia?

No, of course you won't.  So why use it to attack those who are following the letter of the law and investigating him?

I do hope you will have the decency to reply with more than a meme, but I doubt you can without contradicting yourself.  At least you've been consistent with that throughout all your conspiracy nonsense and blind devotion and following of Trump.

That's what happens when you post so much lies and fake news, it's hard to keep track because you're not dealing in the facts.
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Christ Light

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Re: Drain the Swamp
Reply #3080 - May 19th, 2018 at 9:11am

[5.18] False Flags/Pope Having a Bad May/Russia Investigation Implodes/Opioid Crisis
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Mianjin (Brisbane)
Re: Drain the Swamp
Reply #3081 - May 19th, 2018 at 9:28am
Yes, requesting you deal in the facts is losing the plot.

I guess you were to scared to answer after all.
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Re: Drain the Swamp
Reply #3082 - May 19th, 2018 at 9:32am
KangAnon wrote on May 19th, 2018 at 9:28am:
Yes, requesting you deal in the facts is losing the plot.

I guess you were to scared to answer after all. 

You are wasting your time. after 15 years of seeing Wharfy/Light's posts, nothing ever changes. He specialises in complete BS. Stupid people are still occasionally right if only by accident but Light cannot even be that good. he is ALWAYS wrong.
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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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Christ Light

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Re: Drain the Swamp
Reply #3083 - May 19th, 2018 at 9:37am
many cannot deal with facts so they simply resort to crying hoo

its so sad ,

yet we carry on , wipes tear *,sniff*


Oakland Mayor Who Saved 800 Illegals From ICE Raids Just Got Swift Justice From Trump

President Trump has given Attorney General Jeff Sessions the ‘nod’ to look into bringing charges against the mayor of Oakland, Libby Schaaf, for obstructing the job of agents from the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). She’s accused of using social media to send a warning to illegal immigrants about raids that would happen and it allowed about 800 people to evade the agents and not be arrested. Many of the people who avoided the agents were violent offenders who are now back on the streets and pose a potential risk to citizens.

The president had previously insisted on a harsh penalty for Schaaf for her actions. His remarks were aimed directly at Attorney General Sessions, who was one of nearly two dozen opponents of illegal immigration gathered for a public meeting at the White House.

Trump said, “You talk about obstruction of justice. I would recommend that you look at obstruction of justice for the mayor of Oakland,” Trump said, nodding in Sessions’ direction. “To me, that’s obstruction of justice. Perhaps the Department of Justice can look into that.”

Here is President Trump addressing the situation.
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« Last Edit: May 19th, 2018 at 9:45am by it_is_the_light »  

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Christ Light

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Re: Drain the Swamp
Reply #3084 - May 19th, 2018 at 10:01am

Here it Comes – Young Persians Protest Mullahs, 2232

Good evening, I’m still reporting on:  Here it Comes – Young Persians Protest Mullahs, 2232
Obama stabbed them in the back during their Green Revolution in 2009 by sitting on his hands. They know Trump won’t.
Young Persians took to the streets on Wednesday trying to rekindle their Green Revolution movement from 2009. Look at this picture. Practically every person in this picture is aged 25 to 40. This is the generation that typically makes a successful revolution – old enough to have a job and some disposable income and enough social conscience to want to fix their nation. Young enough to be at maximum physicality to wage a street battle.
President Trump has made his support clear. The government knows they are coming for them. The Mullahs responded as expected in Kazerun, Iran – no prisoners.
“Clashes in #Kazerun spreading. Sounds of gunfire heard, 3 killed, many wounded. People chat: ‘Kazeruvi will die, will not accept humiliation.”
Iran Protests erupt today in Kazerun over mismanagement & suppression. People shun regime’s demagoguery with chants of ‘They support Gaza but betray Kazerun. Our enemy is right here, they ‘re lying when they say it’s America.”
Protests broke out it Tehran as well.
“Protests today in Iran’s capital. “Death to the dictator” chanted repeatedly in Tehran Metro…. It’s clear people’s resentment for mullah Khamenei & Rouhani hasn’t subsided.”
“Sources reporting around 40 anti-riot vehicles have left Shiraz & are heading towards Kazerun, southern Iran.”
Without Obama’s support sitting atop the U.S. power structure, the Mullahs had better start packing.
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Mianjin (Brisbane)
Re: Drain the Swamp
Reply #3085 - May 19th, 2018 at 10:01am
longweekend58 wrote on May 19th, 2018 at 9:32am:
KangAnon wrote on May 19th, 2018 at 9:28am:
Yes, requesting you deal in the facts is losing the plot.

I guess you were to scared to answer after all. 

You are wasting your time. after 15 years of seeing Wharfy/Light's posts, nothing ever changes. He specialises in complete BS. Stupid people are still occasionally right if only by accident but Light cannot even be that good. he is ALWAYS wrong.

I'm happy to deal with the facts if he wants to talk about the mole theory the conservatives are foaming over at the moment, but the problem is that it's just a theory.

There is no proof.

There are some things me know, but the jump from that to conspiracy isn't supported by the facts.

At best it's argument from ignorance which is one of Light's main tools.

I just don't understand what he feels he has to gain by spreading so much lies.  Like all the time, lie after lie, attacking those who question him, WHILE demanding others answer his questions.

He acts like the kind of person shunned by society because they're just a smacking weirdo and in order to feel important they create all these grand conspiracies in their head to make them seem important or special.

I really should pity him, but he's been far too disrespectful for too long to hold any sympathy for and it seems any sort of compassion would only be met with more attacks anyway.

I don't know what I think I'll gain by pointing out all the warped opinions, like and fake news he posts as facts either come to think of it. 

The result is always the same, he lies some more, claims victory and spams the inconvenient truths I've posted away from the most recent few pages of the thread as if they never existed.

I do like how he asked for proof of him claiming Clinton was arrested etc drawing a line in the sand claiming he never did it.  Took all of 5 minutes to find those examples in this thread alone where he's talking about the FBI going to arrest her, her being under house arrest, handcuffed to hospital beds etc...

But what's the point in posting it, he'll just ignore it anyway...

I'm fully aware of my views so I make it a requirement to seek out news sources that don't simply tell me what I want to hear.  Maybe this is why I value the truth so much.  If what I want to hear isn't correct, isn't the truth, I need to know in order to form a valid and rational opinion.

Seeing those like light who blatantly disregard this and only seek to validate whatever position they hold, rather than seeking the truth, I guess I can't leave well enough alone sometimes.

I wonder where he posts his conspiracy nonsense now? 

I assume it's somewhere where I don't have access.  Probably for the best, the amount of lies and logical fallacies and failures he displayed in the Fringe is not something I want to stumble across again.

He can have his conspiracy circle jerk all to himself.
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Mianjin (Brisbane)
Re: Drain the Swamp
Reply #3086 - May 19th, 2018 at 10:11am
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Christ Light

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Re: Drain the Swamp
Reply #3087 - May 19th, 2018 at 10:21am


brennan is going to jail very soon  ..
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Australian Politics

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Re: Drain the Swamp
Reply #3088 - May 19th, 2018 at 10:28am
Dear one, dost thou agree that Mexicans are rapists, murderers, drug smugglers, and some, I imagine, are good people?

Dost thou want to see thy tinted brethren banned and deported while Amerika looks for immigrants who are not from these sht-Hole countries?

Dost thou agree that the white man must rise up and reclaim his God-given right to hold dominion over these lesser slave races?

I'm curious. Im keen to hear what thou thinketh.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Drain the Swamp
Reply #3089 - May 19th, 2018 at 10:31am
it_is_the_light wrote on May 17th, 2018 at 8:11am:

this criminal treasonous miscreant john brennan will be indicted and arrested very soon .. we wait, we watch ..

the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government.
"they were convicted of treason"

Joe DiGenova: John Brennan Was Behind the Set Up n Trump

Joe Digenova: Former CIA Chief John Brennan Was Leading The Counter Intelligence Operation Against Trump (Video)

(Gateway Pundit) – Former US Attorney Joe DiGenova joined Laura Ingraham Tuesday night on The Ingraham Angle to discuss the latest developments in Mueller Special Counsel witch hunt.

Joe DiGenova told Laura that former CIA Chief John Brennan was the head of the group of people who were creating the fake counter intelligence investigation of Donald Trump.

That may explain John Brennan’s continued threats against this president. On Monday Brennan blamed President Trump for Hamas terror operations.

John O. Brennan

Deaths in Gaza result of utter disregard of Messers Trump & Netanyahu for Palestinian rights & homeland. By moving Embassy to Jerusalem, Trump played politics, destroyed US peacemaker role. New generation of Israelis/Palestinians need to isolate extremists to find path to peace.

9:52 AM - May 15, 2018
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From tonight’s interview:

Joe DiGenova: It was abundantly clear that there was no legitimate basis even for a counter intelligence investigation, let alone a criminal investigation. It is quite obvious that John Brennan was at the head of the group of people who were going to create a counter intelligence investigation against Trump by creating false information that was going to be fed through Carter Page and fed through George Papadopoulos so that it would be picked up, reported back to Washington and provide the basis for a counter, a fake, counter intelligence investigation and it was all Brennan’s doing. And that is why the Justice Department is viciously fighting, revealing everything they can about the source in London who everybody knows the identity of.

Laura Ingraham: Explain the source in London.

Joe DiGenova: The source in London was another person who was feeding false information to George Papadopoulos and others about collusion which did not exist.


You guys are getting sillier and sillier with every day ? The save the floundering Trump team is really desperately throwing mud in every direction to divert from the real issue - Trump.
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