Auggie wrote on May 18
th, 2017 at 5:49pm:
We're talking about Australia here, not Muslim-majority countries.
There is no legal punishment for not wearing the Hijab in Australia, is there?
A woman can wear the hijab one day, and then take it off the next without any legal recourse.
That, is
not what many
'Aussie' moslems
believe !!
And augcaesarustus,
what people believe, always informs and 'guides' their conduct. !!!!!
You know that.
Moslems are violent people.
But Allah forgives moslems [......for murdering his enemies].
Coz, Allah is Most Gracious,
Most Merciful.
You know that it is true!
/sarc off.
Australia a Muslim nation
October 08, 2006
AUSTRALIA is a Muslim nation, the head of Prime Minister John Howard's Muslim advisory board says.
Dr Ameer Ali says most Australians practise Muslim values but the Muslim community is being alienated and disadvantaged by Islamophobia.
Dr Ali said multiculturalism was Australia's destiny but Muslims, as latecomers, were being disadvantaged.,20867,20545617-1702,00.htmlthe link is old, but the article is kosher
ISLAMIC law allows [i.e. makes it lawful for] moslem men to marry 9 a year old girl,
even in Australia.
And moslems
want Sharia law to be imposed in those nations where moslems live.
Evidence ?
peruse the content of this page.....
"Peace summarises everything in Islam, because it means
submitting your will to God,
so you acquire peace through it," he said.
"When I'm following its [i.e. ISLAM's] teachings,
I know that my own actions are in line with what my creator wants,
and hence I am at peace with myself, [with] my community and the rest of the world."
"Mr Yunus has been encouraging peaceful community bridging since starting his post as Darwin's Islamic leader in 2014."
- ABC news report - 2015-01-19
"Peace summarises everything in Islam..."
- Mr Yunus