Auggie wrote on May 20
th, 2017 at 3:43pm:
The bottom line is this: no one can prove definitely that a woman who claims to wear the hijab freely is doing so 'because she has internalized her own subjugation' or that 'she has been brainwashed'; no more than I can claim that a person who makes such claims has internalized his or her own prejudices toward minorities and Muslims, and has been likewise brainwashed.
If a person suffers repercussions (death or violence) because they fail to conform to the cultural and/or religious expectations of their local community, family or friends, then this, in my view, is domestic violence; and should be regarded and dealt with as such. It's doesn't matter if the person is killed or beaten because 'she pissed me off' or because 'she refused to wear the hijab' - the principal is still the same: the person is being physically harmed by her family, community and/or friends.
When moslems commit acts of violence against family members or their 'friends',
when the moslems committing such violence justify that violence with religious/'cultural' motives, then we should call that,
'domestic violence' ? !!!!!!!!!
You are mad !
You are
insane !
My solution;If a religion,
which is being practised here in Australia, justifies such community violence [justifies this violence from its own religious mores and its own religious tenets] then we need to proscribe [
ban] that religion in Australia, imo !
Yadda wrote on May 11
th, 2017 at 3:52pm:
ISLAMIC law makes the murder of wives and children, 'lawful', under certain circumstances, e.g. apostasy ['rebellion' against ISLAM's authority i.e. 'rebellion' against the husband or the fathers authority ].
ISLAMIC law texts, specifically give moslem men, the right to kill their children [and grandchildren]. [
cited, in the "British girl kidnapped by Saudi father" article above]
And the murder of moslem women and children within moslem families often goes unreported -
even, sometimes, within Western nations.
Because such 'events' [within families]
are not even 'crimes' within ISLAMIC law,
and imams often teach that infidels should have no authority in such matters.
Yadda said.... Quote:
A simple definition of SANITY/INSANITY.
Typically, an unrestrained sane person will act in ways which are harmless to others, and in ways which are creative, and productive [for himself, others, and society].
And typically, and conversely, an unrestrained INSANE person will act in ways which are harmful and destructive to himself, and, or, others around him.