Frank wrote on Jun 3
rd, 2017 at 10:42pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Jun 3
rd, 2017 at 6:30pm:
miketrees wrote on Jun 3
rd, 2017 at 6:07pm:
I know all that Drongo.
But the Islamophilliacs go too far the other way.
Its quite normal for ordinary citizens to be concerned and they should not be criticized for that.
By all means, be "concerned". However, being "concerned" does not allow you to insult innocent people who have committed no crime. For Islamophobes, the problem is being a Muslim is a crime in their minds, Mike. When you stop thinking that and start thinking of Muslims as primarily the victims in all this, you might actually start being human.
Muslims are also the primary perpetrators, Brian. Killing and persecuting other Muslims doesn't give Muslims and Islam a free pass. It's OK to hate Muslims for killing other Muslims. You don't have to wait for them to kill non-Muslims to hate them. Both are done in the name of Islam. It's OK to have utter contempt for them and to hate what they do in the name of Islam, Brian
No one is claiming that the bad Muslims should be given a "free pass", Soren. Your problem is that you don't differentiate between the good and the bad, you just lump them all in together. To you, being Muslim make a person a bad person, automatically. Whereas in reality there are good Muslims and bad Muslims. Your problem is, you have never really met and spoken to Muslims, now have you? You more than likely cross the street than tolerate them walking towards you. Tsk, tsk. You are a true Islamophobe, Soren.
Quote:That they are killing other Muslims is not an excuse, like you are treating it, Brian the Stupidest Statistician.
That the bad Muslims are killing the good Muslims is not an excuse, it is a reason, Soren. It is the reason why I see the good Muslims as the victims in all this. They get killed by their bad cousins and they get hated by fools like you, merely because they are Muslims. It's not as if they have done anything wrong, except exist. Tsk, tsk.