John Smith wrote on Jun 14
th, 2017 at 8:00pm:
Secret Wars wrote on Jun 14
th, 2017 at 7:40pm:
Labors virtue signalling and virtual invite lost control of the borders. Read Triumph and Demise, Julia knew it even if numpties here deny it.
But Rudd fixed it, with a tow back policy where safe to do so, Keatings mandatory detention legislation and Rudds country shoppers washing up in boats never ever to be settled in Australia legislation sorted it out.
Takes draconian measures but labor was up for it.
The bill is labors but it was a small price to pay to stop the graph of country shopper arrivals reaching vertical.
the compensation wasn't for putting them on manus (something you can blame/praise labor for) the compensation was for how they were treated after they were taken to manus ... something that remains solely the responsibility of the libtards
When were the contracts signed and the oversight initiated? I don't know but I am sure you do.
. They didn't start entering the gulags as I have seen it described here under Libs.
I don't think Labor would have done any better and it is dodgy speculation to think that they would have.
You need to stop looking at things in the terms of footy teams and that your footy team does no wrong. Plenty of blame to go around. Both parties are lock step but the legislation is Labors. All of the punitive legislation is because idiots like you who barrack for teams allowed Labor to enact legislation that if attempted by Libs would have clowns like you howling.
You and your fellow travellers did all this, you allowed and aided and abetted the virtue signalling that encouraged the country shoppers, you allowed the legislation that locked them up and you allowed the legislation that meant they could never ever settle here.
Thanks to your efforts, the borders are again secure.