i'm a bit surprised they didnt fight it in court.
if they lost, they could go to the australian taxpayer and say, we now have to increase the medicare levy by .5 % to cover the big cash payouts to people that the majority of the population probably dont want to pay big cash pay outs too.
it sets the liberals up on the side of the battling ozzie taxpayer and leaves the alliance of slater and gordon, the judiciary and the left wing intellectuals exposed to a huge political back lash.
i would even think that the voters would support a winding back of power for the judiciary.
it appears that the judiciary have plenty of people out on bail causing mayhem and the government could pin the whole fiasco on the legal system (which is hardly popular) and could, maybe, reign in some of the legal fraternity and give the power back to the people.
thats how i would have played it.
if the liberals are truly the "noble right' then they would have been
more persistent
willing to stand up for their principles.
this is really 'weak sauce' beta male activity from turnbull.
but the guy likes to catch public transport for gods sake.
thats about as beta male as you can get