Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jun 19
th, 2017 at 11:31pm:
Oh, fer Chrissake.. can you guys just drop this garbage? Not worth the time to keyboard up... chees!
its about lying grap......
some people think if they word it in a special way...they are not doing any harm at all..they are not spreading lies about someone....
which is fine if you dont happen to be on the end of it..
take myself for instance.. oh here comes that VICTIM bit... but it will help explain..
someone suggested many moons ago I was an alcoholic .. so amusing!!!!! pictures the works..
.now several people find the need, when they wish to payback..also refer to my so called drinking problems...its so amusing!
if I called them a paedophile I would be binned...yet calling someone an alcoholic is ok...and so the lie persists.....
.. very handy for the nasty people of course....
if you say it often enough it becomes real in some peoples minds....
now yes as you can see its getting DIRTIER....I wonder who starts all this dirt throwing????>...
have you ever noticed how some people will deny whats placed in front of them
some folks on here never matured from the age of 5 its something we have to live with grap...