we should not see Muslims as people who are behaving immorally,I'm not talking about moral responsibility or accountability, I'm talking about the mistake of thinking that Muslims can, as a group, be reformed.
They can't be reformed, because
they don't share our moral framework, they don't even share it enough to reject it.
What they're doing is following Islam, which is a radically different moral framework from ours and has nothing to do with ours.
So long as we see [moslems] as people who are behaving immorally (that is, immorally according to our moral framework), and who therefore can be persuaded to reform themselves and behave better, we are failing to see what they are and why they do the things they do.
From their point of view, their behavior is not a failure to conform to our moral framework.
They don't care about our moral framework, it's nothing to them.
They care about Islam.
In killing infidels and funding jihad and immigrating into infidel societies and deceiving the infidels who welcome them and doing all the other wicked things their religion commands them to do, they are simply being good Muslims.
...Of course a Muslim living in our society who commits crimes in the name of Islam must be condemned and punished according to our moral standards.
Of course we should condemn Muslims for the evil they wish on us and do to us.
But I'm not concerned about condemning and punishing Muslims.
I'm concerned about rescuing our society from Islam.
And as long as we think that we can save ourselves from their religion by holding them to the standards of our morality and converting them from their morality to ours, we are blinding ourselves to that which makes them behave as they do.
As long as they are Muslims, they are our enemies, and therefore the only thing for us
to do is disempower them and remove them from our society so that they will have no ability or opportunity to act against us."