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Aboriginal elderly sleeping on ground with dogs (Read 2842 times)
Lisa Jones
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Re: Aboriginal elderly sleeping on ground with dogs
Reply #30 - Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:02pm
Lisa Jones wrote on Jul 5th, 2017 at 1:52pm:
BigOl64 wrote on Jul 5th, 2017 at 1:47pm:
Lisa Jones wrote on Jul 5th, 2017 at 1:37pm:
"Ms Ngale's granddaughter Denisa said she was occasionally visited by a nurse from the Urpantja Clinic, located about 50 kilometres away, and that there were weekly deliveries of soup."

From the OP

So this 87 yr old has kids and grandkids.

Why the farrrk aren't they pulling their finger out to help their mum/grandma?

Disrespectful @rseholes!

It's a way of living but not as we know it. Or want to for that matter

Long Grassers lead short unhealthy lives, it is what it is.

The woman in question :

1. Has kids and grandkids.

2. Receives around $1000 per fortnight compliments of the tax payer.

3. Pays for nothing.

4. Expects everything for free. And gets it!

I have absolutely NO sympathy for her OR her ratbag of a family.

She's playing the victim AND playing the system.

Crikey....wake up Australia!

I bet any money....she even has a credit card lol  Grin
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: Aboriginal elderly sleeping on ground with dogs
Reply #31 - Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:05pm
mothra wrote on Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:00pm:
Think i'll just exit this thread until someone with at least half a clue comes on.

Still, in this place, that's not guaranteed.

I asked about three dog nights - that's a clue...
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Re: Aboriginal elderly sleeping on ground with dogs
Reply #32 - Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:05pm
miketrees wrote on Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:01pm:

Right at the moment there are a lot of Territorians asking why the Government is borrowing 50 million dollars to build a "Stolen Generation "museum in Darwin rather than actually helping Aboriginal people,Its labors Aboriginals that want the museum, to smash white people with and ramp up their black armband dreamtime.

I didnt know about that does make you wonder doesnt it???...monuments   to a bad past....

not my idea of something I would  wish to be reminded about I wouldnt think...

if we can undo the past   let me know will you?>,
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Lord Herbert
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Re: Aboriginal elderly sleeping on ground with dogs
Reply #33 - Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:07pm
mothra wrote on Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:00pm:
Think i'll just exit this thread until someone with at least half a clue comes on.

Mothra has decided to flounce off because there's too much logic and fact bombarding her attempt to make some sort of moral capital out of this woman living exactly as they have been doing for the past 65,000 years.

And when Abbott called for the Abos to come live closer to the cities where the jobs are ~ it was people like Mothra who got her knickers all in a knot with thinking Abbott was being unfair.

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Re: Aboriginal elderly sleeping on ground with dogs
Reply #34 - Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:09pm
mothra wrote on Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:00pm:
Think i'll just exit this thread until someone with at least half a clue comes on.

Still, in this place, that's not guaranteed.

Is not enough people agreeing with you?

I thought you would be used to that by now.

There is nothing to be done here, it is what it is.

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Re: Aboriginal elderly sleeping on ground with dogs
Reply #35 - Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:10pm
Lord Herbert wrote on Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:07pm:
mothra wrote on Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:00pm:
Think i'll just exit this thread until someone with at least half a clue comes on.

Mothra has decided to flounce off because there's too much logic and fact bombarding her attempt to make some sort of moral capital out of this woman living exactly as they have been doing for the past 65,000 years.

And when Abbott called for the Abos to come live closer to the cities where the jobs are ~ it was people like Mothra who got her knickers all in a knot with thinking Abbott was being unfair.

Nope. Waiting for a sensible comment.
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Re: Aboriginal elderly sleeping on ground with dogs
Reply #36 - Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:18pm
mothra wrote on Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:00pm:
Think i'll just exit this thread until someone with at least half a clue comes on.

Still, in this place, that's not guaranteed.

Yes mothra, youve been owned yet again.
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Re: Aboriginal elderly sleeping on ground with dogs
Reply #37 - Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:20pm
rhino wrote on Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:18pm:
mothra wrote on Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:00pm:
Think i'll just exit this thread until someone with at least half a clue comes on.

Still, in this place, that's not guaranteed.

Yes mothra, youve been owned yet again.

LOL! You muppet. You couldn't even own yourself.

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If you can't be a good example, you have to be a horrible warning.
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Re: Aboriginal elderly sleeping on ground with dogs
Reply #38 - Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:24pm
cods wrote on Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:05pm:
miketrees wrote on Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:01pm:

Right at the moment there are a lot of Territorians asking why the Government is borrowing 50 million dollars to build a "Stolen Generation "museum in Darwin rather than actually helping Aboriginal people,Its labors Aboriginals that want the museum, to smash white people with and ramp up their black armband dreamtime.

I didnt know about that does make you wonder doesnt it???...monuments   to a bad past....

not my idea of something I would  wish to be reminded about I wouldnt think...

if we can undo the past   let me know will you?>,

It's just further indoctrinating their sense of victimhood. The sooner they acceptable the omelet can't be unmade and get on with things the better.
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Re: Aboriginal elderly sleeping on ground with dogs
Reply #39 - Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:25pm
mothra wrote on Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:20pm:
rhino wrote on Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:18pm:
mothra wrote on Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:00pm:
Think i'll just exit this thread until someone with at least half a clue comes on.

Still, in this place, that's not guaranteed.

Yes mothra, youve been owned yet again.

LOL! You muppet. You couldn't even own yourself.

ah, the deflection. Yes mothra, you do look stupid not knowing that Abos die earlier than others or have a higher rate of alcoholism and STDs.
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Re: Aboriginal elderly sleeping on ground with dogs
Reply #40 - Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:25pm
mothra wrote on Jul 5th, 2017 at 11:48am:
Utopia: Aboriginal elderly sleeping on ground with dogs amid calls for improved aged care
By Neda Vanovac

Her paintings have been exhibited in Paris, London, New York, Tokyo and Milan. But in her old age, renowned Aboriginal artist Kathleen Ngale lives on a mattress outdoors, unable to walk, kept warm during cold desert winter nights by about a dozen dogs who sleep alongside her.

Ms Ngale, aged about 87, lives at Camel Camp where she was born, an outstation in the remote Utopia region of Central Australia, about 260 kilometres north-east of Alice Springs.

"I sit here hungry sometimes, and we sit here with nothing," she said in Anmatyerre via an interpreter.

"My leg is no good … I just wait for little bits of food … and I can't go and wash myself when I feel like it."

Her relative Rosalie Kunoth-Monks has deplored her living conditions and is calling for improvements to be made to aged care for the elderly Aboriginal people of the region.

"She is lying with the warmth of the dogs on that mattress," Ms Kunoth-Monks said.

"How she's living now, you would not put your worst enemy through that ... It's a slow death."
She said Ms Ngale was rarely able to shower or have her bed linen changed, and her husband, aged also in his 80s, was her primary carer.

Ms Ngale's granddaughter Denisa said she was occasionally visited by a nurse from the Urpantja Clinic, located about 50 kilometres away, and that there were weekly deliveries of soup.

"If there is aged care, this old lady should be able to have a wheelchair, she should be able to have her clothes washed," Ms Kunoth-Monks said.

"There should be a laundromat here where they can wash, they don't mind putting in two dollars or whatever and doing that.

"But we are at the absolute lowest level of poverty here at communities like this."

Funding for services 'inadequate'

The Federal Government funds the Barkly Shire Council, headquartered in Tennant Creek about 400km away, to provide aged care services in Utopia, a region consisting of 16 homelands and outstations spread out over several hundred kilometres.

The service chiefly consists of meal deliveries, which are provided daily in the main homeland in Arlparra, but drops off to once every few days in the remoter areas, as there is only one full-time worker and a few part-time local staff funded to cover the region, acting CEO Chris Wright said.

"Not just aged care, but all the services we're expected to provide in that particular community are just not adequate," he said.
"Our base problem is just simply the nature of the community — it's big, it's widespread, there's huge distances to travel, and the conventional funding models don't fit that particular community.

"I guess the opportunity is to figure out, 'okay, how can services be more adequately provided to a community of outstations that are as far as 150 miles apart?'"

There are about 15 aged people effectively sleeping rough in the community, including a 92-year-old woman living in a humpy, Michael Gravener, CEO of the Urpantja Aboriginal Corporation, said.

"It's total impoverishment, total disempowerment, and they should be honoured as some of the greats of this country, being the oldest-surviving owners of this amazing country.

"It's just sad that we've neglected those people."

'If you haven't got the basics, you're not going to get anywhere'

Mr Gravener said entrenched poverty and a lack of funding made it difficult to improve circumstances for Utopia's residents.

"We're dealing with people who are told to get up and work, to get on with their lives, who live in absolute poverty, absolute homelessness, chronic overcrowding, and we're [saying], 'hey, you've got to get your act together and come and live like us'," he said.
"The reality is, if you haven't got the basics to start with, you're not going to get anywhere.

"Things like housing, food security, someone caring decently for them. They'll criticise people like the carers for Kathleen … but if you're impoverished yourself, how are you going to do that?"

He said Aboriginal people living on homelands had been found in studies to be in better health than those living in cities or regional hubs, but said they needed more support to continue to do so.

"Homelands have never been given an opportunity to survive or to grow because they're always being given little bits of funds, and you can't do that," he said.

"You can't keep playing catch-up when you want to develop into a productive, sustainable, economically viable, socially viable community."

He said Ms Ngale's living conditions needed no embellishment: "It's shocking enough as it is, she shouldn't be like that," he said.

"She should be living in the homeland, she should be given the best of care and respected for the person she is. She's a unique Australian."

.............lives at Camel Camp where she was born, an outstation in the remote Utopia region of Central Australia, about 260 kilometres north-east of Alice Springs...........

camel camp .......... did not know they let dogs live there.
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Aboriginal elderly sleeping on ground with dogs
Reply #41 - Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:28pm
rhino wrote on Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:25pm:
mothra wrote on Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:20pm:
rhino wrote on Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:18pm:
mothra wrote on Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:00pm:
Think i'll just exit this thread until someone with at least half a clue comes on.

Still, in this place, that's not guaranteed.

Yes mothra, youve been owned yet again.

LOL! You muppet. You couldn't even own yourself.

ah, the deflection. Yes mothra, you do look stupid not knowing that Abos die earlier than others or have a higher rate of alcoholism and STDs. 

You said "most die young" from alcoholism and STDs.

Bit wrong, yes?
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If you can't be a good example, you have to be a horrible warning.
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Re: Aboriginal elderly sleeping on ground with dogs
Reply #42 - Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:29pm
As i said, i'll wait for someone who actually knows what they're talking about to comment. I'm not particularly interested in indulging the ignorant racists thus far.
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If you can't be a good example, you have to be a horrible warning.
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Lisa Jones
Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 39047
Gender: female
Re: Aboriginal elderly sleeping on ground with dogs
Reply #43 - Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:31pm
Sprintcyclist wrote on Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:25pm:
mothra wrote on Jul 5th, 2017 at 11:48am:
Utopia: Aboriginal elderly sleeping on ground with dogs amid calls for improved aged care
By Neda Vanovac

Her paintings have been exhibited in Paris, London, New York, Tokyo and Milan. But in her old age, renowned Aboriginal artist Kathleen Ngale lives on a mattress outdoors, unable to walk, kept warm during cold desert winter nights by about a dozen dogs who sleep alongside her.

Ms Ngale, aged about 87, lives at Camel Camp where she was born, an outstation in the remote Utopia region of Central Australia, about 260 kilometres north-east of Alice Springs.

"I sit here hungry sometimes, and we sit here with nothing," she said in Anmatyerre via an interpreter.

"My leg is no good … I just wait for little bits of food … and I can't go and wash myself when I feel like it."

Her relative Rosalie Kunoth-Monks has deplored her living conditions and is calling for improvements to be made to aged care for the elderly Aboriginal people of the region.

"She is lying with the warmth of the dogs on that mattress," Ms Kunoth-Monks said.

"How she's living now, you would not put your worst enemy through that ... It's a slow death."
She said Ms Ngale was rarely able to shower or have her bed linen changed, and her husband, aged also in his 80s, was her primary carer.

Ms Ngale's granddaughter Denisa said she was occasionally visited by a nurse from the Urpantja Clinic, located about 50 kilometres away, and that there were weekly deliveries of soup.

"If there is aged care, this old lady should be able to have a wheelchair, she should be able to have her clothes washed," Ms Kunoth-Monks said.

"There should be a laundromat here where they can wash, they don't mind putting in two dollars or whatever and doing that.

"But we are at the absolute lowest level of poverty here at communities like this."

Funding for services 'inadequate'

The Federal Government funds the Barkly Shire Council, headquartered in Tennant Creek about 400km away, to provide aged care services in Utopia, a region consisting of 16 homelands and outstations spread out over several hundred kilometres.

The service chiefly consists of meal deliveries, which are provided daily in the main homeland in Arlparra, but drops off to once every few days in the remoter areas, as there is only one full-time worker and a few part-time local staff funded to cover the region, acting CEO Chris Wright said.

"Not just aged care, but all the services we're expected to provide in that particular community are just not adequate," he said.
"Our base problem is just simply the nature of the community — it's big, it's widespread, there's huge distances to travel, and the conventional funding models don't fit that particular community.

"I guess the opportunity is to figure out, 'okay, how can services be more adequately provided to a community of outstations that are as far as 150 miles apart?'"

There are about 15 aged people effectively sleeping rough in the community, including a 92-year-old woman living in a humpy, Michael Gravener, CEO of the Urpantja Aboriginal Corporation, said.

"It's total impoverishment, total disempowerment, and they should be honoured as some of the greats of this country, being the oldest-surviving owners of this amazing country.

"It's just sad that we've neglected those people."

'If you haven't got the basics, you're not going to get anywhere'

Mr Gravener said entrenched poverty and a lack of funding made it difficult to improve circumstances for Utopia's residents.

"We're dealing with people who are told to get up and work, to get on with their lives, who live in absolute poverty, absolute homelessness, chronic overcrowding, and we're [saying], 'hey, you've got to get your act together and come and live like us'," he said.
"The reality is, if you haven't got the basics to start with, you're not going to get anywhere.

"Things like housing, food security, someone caring decently for them. They'll criticise people like the carers for Kathleen … but if you're impoverished yourself, how are you going to do that?"

He said Aboriginal people living on homelands had been found in studies to be in better health than those living in cities or regional hubs, but said they needed more support to continue to do so.

"Homelands have never been given an opportunity to survive or to grow because they're always being given little bits of funds, and you can't do that," he said.

"You can't keep playing catch-up when you want to develop into a productive, sustainable, economically viable, socially viable community."

He said Ms Ngale's living conditions needed no embellishment: "It's shocking enough as it is, she shouldn't be like that," he said.

"She should be living in the homeland, she should be given the best of care and respected for the person she is. She's a unique Australian."

.............lives at Camel Camp where she was born, an outstation in the remote Utopia region of Central Australia, about 260 kilometres north-east of Alice Springs...........

camel camp .......... did not know they let dogs live there.

Camels/dogs....they probably look the same after a few flagons   Grin
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If I let myself be bought then I am no longer free.

HYPATIA - Greek philosopher, mathematician and astronomer (370 - 415)
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Lord Herbert
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Re: Aboriginal elderly sleeping on ground with dogs
Reply #44 - Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:33pm
mothra wrote on Jul 5th, 2017 at 2:29pm:
As i said, i'll wait for someone who actually knows what they're talking about to comment.

Nice strategy.

Just keep discounting the posters until one comes along who's talking shite by anyone's standards.
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