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ITs been so COLD in Canberra recently.. (Read 3105 times)
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Re: ITs been so COLD in Canberra recently..
Reply #30 - Jul 6th, 2017 at 8:25pm
Gordon wrote on Jul 6th, 2017 at 8:17pm:
Karnal wrote on Jul 6th, 2017 at 8:01pm:
Gordon wrote on Jul 6th, 2017 at 7:57pm:
Karnal wrote on Jul 6th, 2017 at 7:50pm:
President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jul 5th, 2017 at 7:52pm:

Wait until bushfire season, Mechanic. You can blame the Greens for that one too.

It's that time of year again, no?

Hey its cold out tonight, shouldn't you be driving around in the Allah bus handing out heated korans or something?

No, Gordon, we Christians read the Bible, dear.


Sagen, Dawkins.  Got a Sebastian Junger going at the moment

Oh, I see. You're a Canadian Yid. Of course you do.

Thanks, Gordon.
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Re: ITs been so COLD in Canberra recently..
Reply #31 - Jul 6th, 2017 at 8:35pm
President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jul 6th, 2017 at 8:13pm:
Karnal wrote on Jul 6th, 2017 at 7:50pm:
President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jul 5th, 2017 at 7:52pm:

Wait until bushfire season, Mechanic. You can blame the Greens for that one too.

It's that time of year again, no?

do you even understand the joke you halfwit?

There's no joking here, Mechanic, this is serious.

May: rain. Post the usual article in the Australian about Tim Flannery.

July: cold. A picture of the Snowys should do. A photoshopped one will work if there's no snow - like the one you've posted here.

January: bushfire season. Quote the talkback radio comments about the Greens banning back burning. Ignore all questions about Greens having any powers to ban back burning.

Keep this in your calendar. We look forward to hearing from you in October for Muslims-destroying-Christmas.

It's that time of year again, no?
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Re: ITs been so COLD in Canberra recently..
Reply #32 - Jul 6th, 2017 at 8:38pm
President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jul 5th, 2017 at 7:52pm:

Grin Very good Mech.

Edit: Maybe it's the cold, cold hearts of the Libs sucking up all the warmth.
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Re: ITs been so COLD in Canberra recently..
Reply #33 - Jul 6th, 2017 at 8:40pm
Setanta wrote on Jul 6th, 2017 at 8:38pm:

I agree. Very good colouring-in.
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Re: ITs been so COLD in Canberra recently..
Reply #34 - Jul 6th, 2017 at 8:40pm
The Lefties "arguments" are just so convincing displaying such a comprehensive understanding of the TOPIC.

At least they know how to abuse.

And they abuse when they are impressed. Thanks fellas.
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Re: ITs been so COLD in Canberra recently..
Reply #35 - Jul 6th, 2017 at 9:57pm
juliar wrote on Jul 6th, 2017 at 8:40pm:
The Lefties "arguments" are just so convincing displaying such a comprehensive understanding of the TOPIC.

At least they know how to abuse.

And they abuse when they are impressed. Thanks fellas.

I didn't abuse you, obviously I wasn't impressed.

In fact by that standard 98% or so are not impressed.

I would say try harder but you already overdo that strategy.
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Re: ITs been so COLD in Canberra recently..
Reply #36 - Jul 6th, 2017 at 10:10pm
If this is a cold winter - I'm Agnes's uncle.
I'm still working in shorts and shirts by 8am.
Last year in Sydney - I think it was just 2 weeks of "Brrr"

I haven't experienced a 'cold' winter for 2 decades!
One of which was in Melbourne.
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Re: ITs been so COLD in Canberra recently..
Reply #37 - Jul 7th, 2017 at 12:06am
Now something to send the Lefty and Greeny CLEXIT deniers into orbit.

The only trouble is they won't be able to understand the technical parts which will be all Greek to them.

It is from 2012 but could have been written just yeterday as it is so accurate and correct.

This is the very crux of the Socialist Global Warming SCAM:-
Global warming gained momentum because the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) seized on it as a means to redistribute the wealth from developed nations to those that have lagged behind and because the media love stories of imminent danger.

And Lefties if you are impressed then do your usual abuse as I always appreciate it as a compliment.

Shouting from the Rooftops
By Alan Caruba DECEMBER 21, 2012 ROBERT      17 COMMENTS


IPCC authors acknowledge that a solar mechanism (the Sun) seems to be at work.

For years, decades actually, I and others have been shouting from the rooftops that global warming was a hoax.

We were called “deniers” and “skeptics.” A lot of time has passed since the late 1980s when Dr. James Hansen, the director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, kicked off the global warming hoax with testimony before Congress.

Global warming gained momentum because the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) seized on it as a means to redistribute the wealth from developed nations to those that have lagged behind and because the media love stories of imminent danger.

The media remains largely committed to global warming despite ample evidence it is (a) not happening and (b) a complete lie.

While many regard former Vice President Al Gore as the poster boy of global warming, it has been the IPCC that has been the main culprit in advancing the hoax, issuing reports of dire consequences if nations do not reduce their “greenhouse gas” emissions (mainly carbon dioxide abbreviated as CO2) to avoid a dramatically increased warming in ten, twenty, or fifty years.

As time went along, global warming was coming any day now, but it never seemed to arrive.

The problem the lead scientists providing the bogus data to support the IPCC reports encountered was the perfectly natural cooling cycle the Earth entered about sixteen years ago.

In 2009, a leak of emails between them was dubbed “Climategate” as it revealed how these conspirators were panicked by the cooling that began to occur around 1998.

It also revealed their efforts to smear scientists who dissented from their claims as “deniers” and “skeptics” and plotted to deny them access to leading science publications.

The primary claim made by the IPCC and other “warmists” was that there was a “consensus” among the world’s scientists, but anyone familiar with science knows that it does not operate on consensus.

Instead, each new hypothesis or theory is always challenged, often for decades, until it is proven to be reproducible and resistant to alternative interpretation.

John O’Sullivan of Principia Scientific International, an organization of scientists and others battling the global warming hoax, recently reported to its members, interested parties, and science writers like myself of the leak of data by one of the IPCC researchers, Alec Rawls, who no longer wanted to be a party to its reports.

O’Sullivan reported that “Up till now the role of the Sun, referred to as enhanced solar forcing, received only scant mention in prior IPCC reports (AR3 and AR4) being glibly dismissed.

But this is the first time IPCC authors have acknowledged the evidence that a solar mechanism seems to be at work.

”“The source of the leak, Alec Rawls, said, “I participated in ‘expert review’ of the Second Order Draft of AR5 (the next IPCC report), Working Group 1 (“The Scientific Basis”) and am now making the full draft available to the public.

His reason for taking this action, a break in the confidentially agreement, was the “systematic dishonesty of the report” which he said was corrupted by “bad faith” and “fraud.”

It might seem obvious to most people that the Sun is the most powerful factor in climate change, given the records of the gains and reductions of solar radiation, the Earth’s many ice ages, and the simple fact that it gets colder at night than during the day!


The solar mechanism is, of course, the Sun.

The global warming—now called climate change—hoax depends on convincing people that greenhouse gases, the exhalation of carbon dioxide by humans and mammals, and emissions based on the use of coal, oil, and natural gas pose a threat to the planet’s temperatures.

In a very real way, hard core environmentalists favor reducing the world’s population by any means possible and the reduction in all the modern technologies that use energy, coal, natural gas and oil, to enhance life around the globe.

The too good to miss gripping rest of the total debunking of the Global Warming SCAM continues overleaf
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Re: ITs been so COLD in Canberra recently..
Reply #38 - Jul 7th, 2017 at 12:07am
The too good to miss gripping rest of the total debunking of the Global Warming SCAM continues...

“The (IPCC) admission of strong evidence for enhanced solar forcing changes everything,” said Rawls.

“The climate alarmists can’t continue to claim that warming was entirely due to human activity over a period when solar warming effects…were acknowledged to be important.

”In other words, humans play a very small role in the Earth’s climate, especially when compared to the power of the Sun.

This is what some very brave climate scientists and meteorologists have been saying for decades!

They have been ignored or derided by the mainstream media who are wedded to the global warming hoax.

It had the power of the federal government behind it (and still does) because it remains the justification for costly programs.

From the Environmental Protection Agency to the Defense Department and all federal agencies in between, they continue to pump out propaganda and regulations based on this Big Lie.

The United Nations program exists to redistribute billions from developed nations to those who have lagged behind.

The recently concluded IPCC conference made the transition from global warming to climate change to “sustainability” with the demand that less developed nations receive funding if they are affected by natural weather events such as hurricanes, heat waves, floods, droughts, and tornadoes.

As Ralph B. Alexander, a physicist and the author of “Global Warming False Alarm”, recently noted, “The link between extreme weather and global warming has as much scientific basis as the pagan rite of human sacrifice to ensure a good harvest.

”Alexander noted that weather events “show no long-term trend whatever over more than a century of reliable data.

Weather extremes have occurred from time immemorial, long before industrialization boosted the CO2 level in the atmosphere.

”Indeed, the increase of CO2 has not induced or deterred the current climate cycle; cooling.

Since the length of interglacial periods between ice ages is about 11,500 years, the Earth is on the cusp of a new ice age.

Ironically, the CO2 increase may be delaying it. © Alan Caruba, 2012

I love the quote from Ralph B. Alexander, physicist and the author of “Global Warming False Alarm”: “The link between extreme weather and global warming has as much scientific basis as the pagan rite of human sacrifice to ensure a good harvest.”

Alan Caruba’s commentaries are posted daily at “Warning Signs” and shared on dozens of news and opinion websites.

His blog recently passed more than two million page views.

If you love to read, visit his monthly report on new books at Bookviews. For information on his professional skills, Caruba Editorial Services is the place.
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« Last Edit: Jul 7th, 2017 at 12:24am by juliar »  
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: ITs been so COLD in Canberra recently..
Reply #39 - Jul 7th, 2017 at 12:17am
So cold the crows fly backwards so their arses won't freeze shut... so cold the dogs use an electric peter heater so their piss won't freeze to a post.... so cold the frogs gather at the fire and trade old war stories..... so cold the dogs and horses on the race tracks use skis and skates to get around.... so cold the cows are demanding blankets or no milk .... so cold the referee's pea froze in his whistle.... so cold the hot air balloons are using dry ice to warm up .... so cold that the ACT Brumbies and Canberra Raiders use snow ploughs before each match at home and the players wear long johns ....

That's because of the government's insistence on the use of old traditional power sources and not developing massive alternative energy schemes.... bloody Brownies....

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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Re: ITs been so COLD in Canberra recently..
Reply #40 - Jul 7th, 2017 at 12:31am
The CLEXIT denier Grappler has out grappled himself as he grapples with the fading Global Warming HOAX.

When will the truth sink into these CLEXIT deniers ?

No Global Warming for 19 years now but there is already evidence of Global Cooling.
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Jovial Monk
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Re: ITs been so COLD in Canberra recently..
Reply #41 - Jul 7th, 2017 at 1:09am
No global warming for 19 years?

Nobody is claiming that. It is in any case very wrong.

Melting at both poles is happening, Greenland is losing like 200Gtons of ice each year. Glaciers are still retreating, etc.

The most ambitious claim deniers can make is that AGW has slowed down over the last 19 years. That isn’t true either. Even if it was true—it doesn’t mean much in the longer run.

Bet YouLiar couldn’t explain the mechanism of the greenhouse effect.
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Get the vaxx! 💉💉

If you don’t like abortions ignore them like you do school shootings.
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Re: ITs been so COLD in Canberra recently..
Reply #42 - Jul 7th, 2017 at 8:04am
Jovial Monk wrote on Jul 7th, 2017 at 1:09am:
No global warming for 19 years?

Nobody is claiming that. It is in any case very wrong.

Melting at both poles is happening, Greenland is losing like 200Gtons of ice each year. Glaciers are still retreating, etc.

The most ambitious claim deniers can make is that AGW has slowed down over the last 19 years. That isn’t true either. Even if it was true—it doesn’t mean much in the longer run.

Bet YouLiar couldn’t explain the mechanism of the greenhouse effect.

Juliar only regurgitates what is fed to him.  He doesn't understand the topic nor does he care to.  All that is important is that it's a greenie conspiracy and anything to do with the greens or frankly anything approaching even the right of centre (that's too close to the left!) is bad. 

Everything leftie or greenie is bad, even if it's good.  In those cases it's really bad because it shines them in a positive light. 

Standing up for workers right and penalty rates?  Better post pictures of Shorten eating a snag.

Holding the current Government to account for their lies and broken promises?  Better start deflecting to Gillard or the Greens.

Proposing anything even remotely related to helping those in need if it doesn't suit the needs of the puppet masters of the right, better start posting about class warfare or lazy snowflakes etc etc...

Those with a vested interest in not addressing climate change because those mechanisms will hurt their financial interests have taken advantage of these knuckle draggers of the right and changed the debate on the subject to a left/greenie vs right rather than a fact vs fiction argument.

Juliar has lapped it up hook line and sinker and is far too deep down the rabbit hold to pause for a moment of self reflection to see the error in his ways.

Short version, it's pointless trying to respond with the facts even when the truth is on your side when it comes to idiots behaving like that.

But blah blah, hiding behind political correctness etc etc.  To anyone too cowardly to respond to the arguments and instead think people trying to post respectfully on here is some sort of PC weakness, they can go bugger them selves and all.  Wow, so PC!
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: ITs been so COLD in Canberra recently..
Reply #43 - Jul 7th, 2017 at 11:41pm
It's all due to the lack of hot air since the politicians fled to warmer climes for the winter... which reminds me - how many are on study tours to - for example - study the effect of GST on Hottentots?  Or to analyse the impact of negative gearing on Borneo tribesmen?  Or to evaluate the universal meaning of paid and government- controlled prostitution?  Or to see, at first hand, the real effect of atmospheric chemicals on the Eiffel Tower?  How about the effect of global warming on the tides in Venice?  Or the real value of Scottish Independence as clearly shown by the Edinburgh Military tattoo?  Or the effect of tidal changes in Whyalla on the ship mooring industry in New York?

Just asking.....
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: ITs been so COLD in Canberra recently..
Reply #44 - Jul 7th, 2017 at 11:42pm
KangAnon wrote on Jul 7th, 2017 at 8:04am:
Jovial Monk wrote on Jul 7th, 2017 at 1:09am:
No global warming for 19 years?

Nobody is claiming that. It is in any case very wrong.

Melting at both poles is happening, Greenland is losing like 200Gtons of ice each year. Glaciers are still retreating, etc.

The most ambitious claim deniers can make is that AGW has slowed down over the last 19 years. That isn’t true either. Even if it was true—it doesn’t mean much in the longer run.

Bet YouLiar couldn’t explain the mechanism of the greenhouse effect.

Juliar only regurgitates what is fed to him.  He doesn't understand the topic nor does he care to.  All that is important is that it's a greenie conspiracy and anything to do with the greens or frankly anything approaching even the right of centre (that's too close to the left!) is bad. 

Everything leftie or greenie is bad, even if it's good.  In those cases it's really bad because it shines them in a positive light. 

Standing up for workers right and penalty rates?  Better post pictures of Shorten eating a snag.

Holding the current Government to account for their lies and broken promises?  Better start deflecting to Gillard or the Greens.

Proposing anything even remotely related to helping those in need if it doesn't suit the needs of the puppet masters of the right, better start posting about class warfare or lazy snowflakes etc etc...

Those with a vested interest in not addressing climate change because those mechanisms will hurt their financial interests have taken advantage of these knuckle draggers of the right and changed the debate on the subject to a left/greenie vs right rather than a fact vs fiction argument.

Juliar has lapped it up hook line and sinker and is far too deep down the rabbit hold to pause for a moment of self reflection to see the error in his ways.

Short version, it's pointless trying to respond with the facts even when the truth is on your side when it comes to idiots behaving like that.

But blah blah, hiding behind political correctness etc etc.  To anyone too cowardly to respond to the arguments and instead think people trying to post respectfully on here is some sort of PC weakness, they can go bugger them selves and all.  Wow, so PC!


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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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