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Peak FMG in the UK (Read 148 times)
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Anti-Global & Contra Mundum

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Peak FMG in the UK
Jul 6th, 2017 at 3:01pm
More than 5,000 cases of female genital mutilation have occurred in the past year in Britain, with more than 9,000 women and girls attending the National Health Services because of the brutal anti- women African practice.

Female genital mutilation is is a gruesome practice used to suppress female sexuality, typically found in African or fundamentalist Islamic societies. Cases of genital mutilation have been on the rise in Britain due to the rapid influx of north African migrants in recent years. Though the barbaric practice has been outlawed in the UK since 1985, no one has been prosecuted for any of these cases.

From Breitbart:

The NSPCC said more should be done to end the practice. A spokesman told the BBC.

“FGM is child abuse. Despite being illegal for over 30 years, too many people are still being subjected to it and it is right that health services have started to properly record evidence of this horrendous practice.

“It takes courage to report concerns as many feel ashamed or worry they will betray friends and family. But we need to end the silence that surrounds FGM to better protect children.”

The UKIP Independence party was criticized for proposing mandatory reporting and annual medical checks for girls in “at-risk minority” groups in their 2017 manifesto.

Now similar ideas are gathering support in the UK and are already in use in France. Wendy Preston, from the Royal College of Nursing, said:

“Mandatory reporting and compulsory sex-and-relationships education are important weapons in the fight against FGM, and school nurses play a vital role in both educating children and young women, and spotting those who may be at risk.

“The government must act to attract and retain school nurses, to help address the problem at grassroots level, and maintain momentum in the fight to eradicate FGM.”

The British government being soft on this horrible issue is an injustice to women across the UK. Only weak solutions are being offered like “Mandatory reporting and compulsory sex-and-relationships education” that don’t target the root of the problem; the barbarism of the Syrian and north African migrants being let into the country by the hordes.

Where's Mothra? No expression of outrage?
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