Karnal wrote on Jul 10
th, 2017 at 8:49am:
aquascoot wrote on Jul 10
th, 2017 at 7:48am:
i cant comment on the media except to say that Trump has nothing to gain by changing course and playing nice.
the media will smell blood and go feral.
he must "hold his frame"
Ever see an alpha get owned, dear? We've all seen bullies brought down. Seeing this is one of our biggest pleasures. It's why comedy and tragedy was invented - to let the masses see their oppressors brought down - on stage.
Trump is now coming down. His body language during the G19 was pitiful to watch. The US no longer has someone in the driver's seat, standing up for their interests. The western world no longer has the US centre-stage.
Trump has been bested by Merkel. The filly in red has taken over as global pack leader. Trump just looks lost. He has, like all exposed bullies, no comeback.
This is not a media hoax, it's real. Trump has let his side down, and remember, global negotiating was meant to be his strength. He was going to reach out to the world to get the best deal for the US.
Trump has all but given up, which is what the fallen alpha does. This horse isolates from the pack and goes rogue. If he returns, even the fillies go for him. Trump is now in this position. He's on his own.
The US is no longer the leader of the free world, and this is all thanks to Trump.
trump would undoubtedly be receiving commentary like this all the time.
but if he lets this infect his brain, he "loses state".
when you have a "state crash" and start to question your own awesomeness, you go into a psychological tailspin.
then the mob will really get out the pitchforks and he will be totally screwed.
what i am saying Karnal , is that you may well be right and it may well pan out like this if trump is , indeed, a counterfeit "superior man".
but if Churchill had read all the doom sayers in 1941
if gandhi or mandella had let themselves have a state crash and had just become complaint little pussies, then would this have helped their cause?
trump has to soldier on like churchill in 1941. if he blinks, its all over for him. the die is cast. he has crossed the rubicon, he has burnt the boats. the left are correct in a bemusing way to call him hitler, because i think he will soon call for total war and head to the fuhrer bunker
It's already over, Aquascoot. Mr Trump can't lead the world. He just gave up.
Some here are excusing this, saying Mr Trump doesn't want to lead the world, he just wants people reading his tweets or buying his T shirts or something.
This is giving in. If Mr Trump won't - or can't - directly influence the world as its anointed leader, he needs to get out of the way. Shoving his way to the front of photo ops is not going to cut it if world leaders avoid him or make excuses for his absence. This is what you do with betas.
Trump can't even compete with Merkel. How could he possibly outwit Putin or Xi Jinping?