[This Thread was commenced in Extremism and moved here by Vic mid to late afternoon on the 8th July. I note the full moon is due tomorrow. Mod.]
aussie is making a real fool and a real issue out of someone who is not here to defend or agree with a thing..all about things that went on long long ago on two different forums but not this one...
that almost no current members of ozpol know a thing about... I have been around for a while now and I know nothing of any of this...
a secret room omg....what a devil of a crime..
get over it its long gone... and only two people care about it..
for the most part its all about blackening peoples names...I am sorry but I find that pretty low....
AiA is wearing the black hat and Aussie the white..
as if it means two cents to everyone else..
come on guys this is pitiful....
no need to blame anyone else for bad behavior sorry you are all as b ad as each other..
if someone ran a contest who is the worst offender it would be a draw.....
I have seen some idiotic fights but this takes the cake....
this lady was pretty sick I believe and therefore open to be hurt by comments or lack of them...
leave her alone I am sure if she was here she would be appalled by all this...
is there absolutely no forgiveness in people these days.
it sure as hell seems so! >
I believe you are ruining this forum with all this.
thats the reason for this thread...