French President Macron Says He'll Rule Like the Roman God Jupiter - Seriously
Few people accuse politicians of being genuinely self-effacing. From Al Gore claiming he introduced the bill that made the internet possible
(hint: it already existed), to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s seemingly inexhaustible ability to look like an arrogant feudal lord by doing things like hanging out with buddies and family on a beach state government closed to everyone else, conceit and arrogance seem implacably intrinsic to the political DNA.
And now, France brings us what might be the 21st Century capper.
Newly crowned French President Emmanuel Macron just said he will rule like the Roman god Jupiter.
ferk me...

This is not a joke.
Evidently intent on outdoing good ol’ Louis XIV, who is claimed to have said, “L'état, c'est moi,” or “I am the state," Mr. Macron is going all godlike, comparing himself not only to the Roman mucky-muck Jupiter, but, because Jupiter is just a renaming of the cooler original, to the Greek god of gods, Zeus.
Here’s what Reuters had to say:
“Macron himself has said he plans a "Jupiterian" presidency - as a remote, dignified figure, like the Roman god of gods, who weighs his rare pronouncements carefully.”
(oh come on.. WTF>>>
)But why just Jupiter? How about a Saturnian presidency so all the Illuminati-esoterica crowd at Bilderberg will get a thrill, or how about a Plutonian presidency? So far out and so insignificant, people don’t really notice?
This is a man who played “Ode to Joy”, the EU anthem before the French national anthem when he presented himself to the people of France in front of the pyramidal façade of the Louvre.
No delusions of grandeur there