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Russian/Trump collusion proven... (Read 15019 times)
Mr Hammer
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Re: Russian/Trump collusion proven...
Reply #180 - Jul 21st, 2017 at 5:50pm
I don't understand you do-gooders? One side buys a secret limo recording about grabbing pussies and the other side tries to get proof of Hillary's dirty dealing overseas? Why is one side guilty and the other not? They've even done a DNA test on a cum stained dress to get dirt. It's nothing new.
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Re: Russian/Trump collusion proven...
Reply #181 - Jul 21st, 2017 at 6:11pm
Longy's hardly a do-gooder, Homo. He's that good.
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Mr Hammer
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Re: Russian/Trump collusion proven...
Reply #182 - Jul 21st, 2017 at 6:12pm
Karnal wrote on Jul 21st, 2017 at 6:11pm:
Longy's hardly a do-gooder, Homo. He's that good.
If you are defending him he is.
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Re: Russian/Trump collusion proven...
Reply #183 - Jul 21st, 2017 at 8:15pm
Panther wrote on Jul 21st, 2017 at 1:31pm:
So again, what the email text referrers to is not a criminal offense in the US Code ..... Where's the meat in that "Nothing Burger", that supposed Russian Collusion?????
Grin Grin Grin

So you have the admission from Don Jr that he was colluding with the Russians and was obtaining a thing of value from a foreign government but you want to look the other way with the excuse of "US Code".

You don't have near this much evidence against Hillary yet you're almost calling for her literal head.

Let that sink in for a second...
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Re: Russian/Trump collusion proven...
Reply #184 - Jul 21st, 2017 at 8:19pm
Mr Hammer wrote on Jul 21st, 2017 at 5:50pm:
I don't understand you do-gooders?

I'm not sure how to answer this question, Homo.

Mr Hammer wrote on Jul 21st, 2017 at 5:50pm:
One side buys a secret limo recording about grabbing pussies and the other side tries to get proof of Hillary's dirty dealing overseas?

Again: a difficult question to answer.

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Re: Russian/Trump collusion proven...
Reply #185 - Jul 21st, 2017 at 11:08pm
KangAnon wrote on Jul 21st, 2017 at 8:15pm:
Panther wrote on Jul 21st, 2017 at 1:31pm:
So again, what the email text referrers to is not a criminal offense in the US Code ..... Where's the meat in that "Nothing Burger", that supposed Russian Collusion?????
Grin Grin Grin

So you have the admission from Don Jr that he was colluding with the Russians and was obtaining a thing of value from a foreign government but you want to look the other way with the excuse of "US Code".

You don't have near this much evidence against Hillary yet you're almost calling for her literal head.

Let that sink in for a second...

So he was looking to get dirt/mud from the Russians who said they had dirt on Shillary....

There's no crime's a way of life in American Politics, & as long as he didn't aid them in procuring the info illegally (as the Russians probably did) even if the Russians got it illegally, & gave it to them, the Trump Team was free to use whatever they might have gotten to drag down Clinton in the eyes of those who might vote for her.....legally.

No crime in that.....It's American Way.....Politics at it's novel best & dirtiest.....Pigs fighting in the pigsty.

As far as the US Code, only an ignorant person would think that a crime could have been committed, if no law (the US Code) had been broken.

What Donny Jr. did broke no section in the US Code, therefore with no law broken, there can be no crime committed.

This is US Legal territory friend, not the law we're used to here.

I love the brain trust of legal minds here in Australia that obviously have no clue about American Law, know nothing about the US Codes, or the US Constitution, but pretend that they are all proficient in all the above.

They'd be laughed out of every American court if they tried to press any of these red herring 'legal' issues there......with the Fake News Media there as their trusty lexicon.

To date, from what has been published, there is not one scintilla of evidence that there were any ILLEGAL meetings, much less any illegal collusion between the Trump Team & the Russians.

At the very worst they may be guilty of some silly amateurish political moves, some unethical conduct at worst, but nothing illegal.

That's what happens when Real Estate Moguls try to play in a political world, but their sometimes unethical behavior is just that, & nothing illegal.

Shillary, I personally don't give a rats ass about her.....shes a washed up, drunken loser.....a stank ole festering crusty 8 month old used tampon tossed in a brown paper bag, on the toxic political waste-dump.

SHillarys going nowhere, & the DOJ has all the time in the world.....they can charge her any time they wish....there are no statutes of limitations to protect her, so next year might be aa good as any time to lower the boom on her alcohol & drug rotted head.

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« Last Edit: Jul 21st, 2017 at 11:16pm by Panther »  

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Mianjin (Brisbane)
Re: Russian/Trump collusion proven...
Reply #186 - Jul 22nd, 2017 at 8:31am
So a confession of collusion after the Trump team said time and time again there was none, but it's ok and doesn't matter because they were getting dirt on Clinton?

It also doesn't matter that Trump asked the Russians to hack her email during the campaign all the other meetings that have come to light again despite the claims there were no ties, it's all ok because it was to get dirt on "shillary".

Trump is lucky his supporters don't treat him like Clinton.  They don't even need evidence to go after her, yet when it comes to Trump "oh that doesn't count" or the other myriad of excuses.
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Mianjin (Brisbane)
Re: Russian/Trump collusion proven...
Reply #187 - Jul 22nd, 2017 at 8:36am
Panther wrote on Jul 21st, 2017 at 11:08pm:
There's no crime's a way of life in American Politics, & as long as he didn't aid them in procuring the info illegally (as the Russians probably did) even if the Russians got it illegally, & gave it to them, the Trump Team was free to use whatever they might have gotten to drag down Clinton in the eyes of those who might vote for her.....legally.

No crime in that.....It's American Way.....Politics at it's novel best & dirtiest.....Pigs fighting in the pigsty.

As far as the US Code, only an ignorant person would think that a crime could have been committed, if no law (the US Code) had been broken.

What Donny Jr. did broke no section in the US Code, therefore with no law broken, there can be no crime committed.

Where do you stand on the idea that they breached the FEC rules?

Federal law prohibits a foreign national from directly or indirectly making a “contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election[.]”

You don't think this information was "a thing of value"?  And if they did meet and information did change hands, at what cost?  What else does team Trump owe to the Russians?

This is the whole reason why people are concerned.  What other leverage does a foreign Government hold over the President of the USA?
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Re: Russian/Trump collusion proven...
Reply #188 - Jul 22nd, 2017 at 2:09pm
KangAnon wrote on Jul 22nd, 2017 at 8:36am:
Panther wrote on Jul 21st, 2017 at 11:08pm:
There's no crime's a way of life in American Politics, & as long as he didn't aid them in procuring the info illegally (as the Russians probably did) even if the Russians got it illegally, & gave it to them, the Trump Team was free to use whatever they might have gotten to drag down Clinton in the eyes of those who might vote for her.....legally.

No crime in that.....It's American Way.....Politics at it's novel best & dirtiest.....Pigs fighting in the pigsty.

As far as the US Code, only an ignorant person would think that a crime could have been committed, if no law (the US Code) had been broken.

What Donny Jr. did broke no section in the US Code, therefore with no law broken, there can be no crime committed.

Where do you stand on the idea that they breached the FEC rules?

Federal law prohibits a foreign national from directly or indirectly making a “contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election[.]”

You don't think this information was "a thing of value"?  And if they did meet and information did change hands, at what cost?  What else does team Trump owe to the Russians?

This is the whole reason why people are concerned.  What other leverage does a foreign Government hold over the President of the USA?

Intelligence is based on knowledge, & one sure fire way of obtaining knowledge is to read.......

A 'little bit' of knowledge can be a dangerous thing, so it would behoove you do better than just reading a 'little bit' ...... read the everything ......

If you read up on that particular section of the US Code... 52 U.S.C. 30121 will find that your  ... any other "thing of value" ... was intended to indicate any other "monetary thing of value".

Read the context of the statute itself....don't be it....& you will see that the sole intent of that entire code was to defend against foreign 'monetary'  involvements into American elections & political processes, or the government itself.

What you suggest has never been used, or misconstrued to mean, anything other than monetary value.

Laws are adjudicated & determined based on their legal precedent.

There is no legal precedent, regarding this section of the US Code, pertaining to offered "information/emails" (dirt/mud), on record.

Proffering such as a 'new' form of usage would be an overreach at the very least. 

In America most information obtained, that is used against political opponents, is usually stolen or gotten through dubious means ..... in today's world hacked fits the bill..... 

If the offering source of this stolen/hacked information be private person(s) Corporation(s), or Foreign Government(s) is immaterial in American Law.......just as long as the eventual recipient(s) didn't aid in the information's illegal procurement, the recipient would be free to use it as they see/saw fit ...legally... & in this particular case, used against their political opponent's electoral best interests (to her political aspirations & fondest hopes).

That's the American Way, & has been for over 200 years ..... completely legal, & there is plenty of legal precedent & documentation covering it.

Newspapers & the media make many an exposé based on procured information ......occasionally procured illegally...... by 3rd parties, & the right for the Newspapers & media to use this exposé material, & protect them from having to divulge their sources, has always been protected by their free speech, & their right to free press, in the First Amendment of the US Constitution. 

The same basic principals would cover the Trump Teams right to use any of the information gotten legally by them, regardless of who from, or how that party came in possession of the said information. 

The Trump team may need to, by some laws, disclose who they met with, but the US Constitution, via the First Amendment, gives them the right to meet with whom they choose.....any time & any where.

Many Most here in Australia may not fully understand this principal, & that is simply due to the fact that the Australian Constitution has no "Bill of Rights" & therefore we have no such legal protections expressly affording us the inalienable right, rights not granted by government, to associate with whom we please. 

So, in the end,  Team Trumps meeting with a Russian, or Russians, is a protected right via the US Constitution.

Some call it, I believe,  the Freedom of Associations. Americans, by statute, may need to disclose who they meet with, but in America the government is not permitted to forbid their freedom of associations by the Law of the Land, the US Constitution..... Wink


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« Last Edit: Jul 22nd, 2017 at 4:47pm by Panther »  

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Re: Russian/Trump collusion proven...
Reply #189 - Jul 22nd, 2017 at 2:55pm
Mr Hammer wrote on Jul 21st, 2017 at 5:50pm:
I don't understand you do-gooders? One side buys a secret limo recording about grabbing pussies and the other side tries to get proof of Hillary's dirty dealing overseas? Why is one side guilty and the other not? They've even done a DNA test on a cum stained dress to get dirt. It's nothing new.

One side buys a secret limo recording about grabbing pussies

What you think its fake ??

Not even Trump has claimed that it isn't true.

The current US President claims that he routinely sexually assaults women and that because of his wealth and position he expects to get away with it. This is a fact.

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Re: Russian/Trump collusion proven...
Reply #190 - Jul 22nd, 2017 at 3:03pm
Karnal wrote on Jul 21st, 2017 at 6:11pm:
Longy's hardly a do-gooder, Homo. He's that good.

Is the inference in being critical of the do-gooders a support of the do-badders ?
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Re: Russian/Trump collusion proven...
Reply #191 - Jul 22nd, 2017 at 5:15pm
Mr Hammer wrote on Jul 21st, 2017 at 5:50pm:
I don't understand you do-gooders? One side buys a secret limo recording about grabbing pussies and the other side tries to get proof of Hillary's dirty dealing overseas? Why is one side guilty and the other not? They've even done a DNA test on a cum stained dress to get dirt. It's nothing new.

Because only one side resorted to using the RUSSIANS and of course, there was no quid pro quo, right?


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Re: Russian/Trump collusion proven...
Reply #192 - Jul 22nd, 2017 at 6:29pm
longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2017 at 5:15pm:
Mr Hammer wrote on Jul 21st, 2017 at 5:50pm:
I don't understand you do-gooders? One side buys a secret limo recording about grabbing pussies and the other side tries to get proof of Hillary's dirty dealing overseas? Why is one side guilty and the other not? They've even done a DNA test on a cum stained dress to get dirt. It's nothing new.

Because only one side resorted to using the RUSSIANS and of course, there was no quid pro quo, right?



Was not......No Crimes were committed.......

......because there was no law against what was asserted...

The Left's great big Nothing Burger!! 

Where's the meat??

Awww, there ain't any!!  Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
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Re: Russian/Trump collusion proven...
Reply #193 - Jul 22nd, 2017 at 11:22pm
Panther wrote on Jul 22nd, 2017 at 6:29pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2017 at 5:15pm:
Mr Hammer wrote on Jul 21st, 2017 at 5:50pm:
I don't understand you do-gooders? One side buys a secret limo recording about grabbing pussies and the other side tries to get proof of Hillary's dirty dealing overseas? Why is one side guilty and the other not? They've even done a DNA test on a cum stained dress to get dirt. It's nothing new.

Because only one side resorted to using the RUSSIANS and of course, there was no quid pro quo, right?



Was not......No Crimes were committed.......

......because there was no law against what was asserted...

The Left's great big Nothing Burger!! 

Where's the meat??

Awww, there ain't any!!  Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin

Actually it WAS a crime. Or why do you think the FBI is interviewing everyone?  whys is congress so concerned?

Oh we know your response... it essentially boils down to your belief that Trump and his people can do whatever they want and there is no possible statute that stops them.

Fortunately the checks and balances of the USA constitution and judiciary, to say nothing of Congress, disagree with you. Not that any of them would take any notice of an uneducated mental-midget like you anyhow!
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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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Re: Russian/Trump collusion proven...
Reply #194 - Jul 31st, 2017 at 9:38am
And every day there is more evidence.

Impeachment coming...
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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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