Richdude wrote on Aug 12
th, 2017 at 11:11pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Aug 12
th, 2017 at 3:29pm:
KangAnon wrote on Aug 12
th, 2017 at 3:15pm:
It's hilarious that Light wants others to provide proof or evidence of anything when he seems deathly allergic to it when you ask him to prove his own claims...
you wouldnt be a conspiracy theorist if you understood and accepted the concept of evidence and proof.
you wouldnt be a
Russian conspiracy theorist if you understood and accepted the concept of evidence and proof.
Corrected your post for you.
You do not think that the number of members of the Trump team who purgered themselves to hide these meetings is not evidence.
Your think that Trumps claim that there were no meetings and that it was fake news which has proven to be a blatant lie is not evidence ?
You do not see that the manic desire of the Trump team from top to bottom to hide this is not an indication that something was going on that should be investigated ?
You can go back to trumps claims that Obama was tapping Trump tower, we found that it was the FBI who had tapped the calls from Russians known to trying to influence the election.
Were these the same Russians who were having meetings with the Trump team ?
What were these meetings really about ???
We know for a fact that on this topic all we have had from the Trump team is lie after Lie, we know this because they have been caught out. Is the Trump teams current position the truth? Very unlikely.
More than enough evidence for a full enquiry, there is a lot of smoke.
If there is nothing to hide then why were they hiding it to the extend of risking prison sentences ???
You don't go to prison to hide or defend a nothing burger.
The Trump team obviously considered this cover up to be very important.
Seeing that nuclear war is a few seconds away from midnight.
Discussion with Russia is a very very healthy move.
Or as you obviously think that restoring relations with Russia is worse than being incinerated? ffs!
Try just try - disconnecting your thoughts from the collective hive and start thinking for yourself!