I've never seen a President cop so much heat and flames as Trump.
We all know Murdoch Inc wanted Hillary in as another 'bigger' version of when they put Thatcher in as UK Prime Minister.
The fact that the Media did a crack-down on all female role-models on the Artistic Front via merchandise and such from Movies, etc. (The female lead in Star Wars was the obvious - removed from posters, t-shirts, toys)...
...but pumped out female role models in Political movies, TV series and such with abandon.
It was a blatant attempt to 'Groom' the USA Public vote (see movie :Focus).
So far the Media has only offered 'crumbs' on Trump.
Every other President has had 'crumbs' also and at times, much much worse.
Trump has yet to really 'stuff up' in a big way.
I guess the Media
Trump for some reason - hence their relentless and 'desperate' attempts to bring him down.
I'm sorry - but I've lost a lot of respect for the Media, since Trump came on the scene.
Even if he isn't going to be a 'great' President, the Media has certainly lowered its standards considerably to the point of looking like a USSR /N. Korea 'corrupt propaganda' farce!
How stupid do they take us for?
Media: The bitter 'sore loser'