Frank wrote on Jul 13 th, 2017 at 7:34pm: mothra wrote on Jul 13 th, 2017 at 7:29pm: Frank wrote on Jul 13 th, 2017 at 7:26pm: mothra wrote on Jul 13 th, 2017 at 6:54pm: Frank wrote on Jul 13 th, 2017 at 12:06pm: Aussie wrote on Jul 12 th, 2017 at 5:37pm: bogarde73 wrote on Jul 12 th, 2017 at 5:02pm: Whatsamatter Karnage? You want women to have the freedom to show their faces don't you? I'm sure your good friend Mothra does. And why can't they have the freedom to hide them, Mr 73? Democracy, is it? Yeah, strike a blow for social cohesion. Can we then refuse to have any dealings with them, in shops, offices, schools, while they hide their faces? For them to have freedoms in our societies and but everyone else's response to them is regulated and the 'wrong' behaviour criminalised - that's not not on. People must have the right to refuse to deal with them. Freedom and democracy would be served only if people could freely choose how they respond to niqabis, including ostracising them. Why would someone want to refuse to deal with them? And what reasonable argument could they ,make to support that decision? If you do not show me your face because your idiotic Islamic religion holds my culture, where the face is shown, in contempt and you do this in my culture, then the least I can do is to hold you in utter contempt and refuse to deal with you ON YOUR DESPICABLE TERMS. That's why, critical nonthinker extraordinaire. Why do you assume that they hold your culture in contempt? Because in my culture you do not interact with others while hiding your face. Because in my culture PERSONHOOD is important. Because in my culture women are not required to submit to the idea that their PERSONHOOD is the evil temptation of men and so they must hide their woman-ness and personhood Cheese!!!! You are soooo bloody thick, it's painful. You do understand that the reasons women given for covering in Australia do not align with the reasons you apply to them, yes? And do you seriously think that women aren't restricted in what they can and cannot wear in "your" culture? You know in some workplaces, women are expected to wear makeup, yes?