mothra wrote on Jul 13
th, 2017 at 7:37pm:
You do understand that the reasons women given for covering in Australia do not align with the reasons you apply to them, yes?
And do you seriously think that women aren't restricted in what they can and cannot wear in "your" culture? You know in some workplaces, women are expected to wear makeup, yes?
Behaviour in this culture is to be judged by the standards and expectation of this culture, not by every strange and alien one. If you are in Australia, accept the behavioural norms of Australia. Islam has no overriding claim on your behaviour while you are here. It CERTAINLY doesn't have an overriding claim on MY behaviour towards you. If you wish to prefer Islamic codes of behaviour here, I do not want to accept them as being also thereby applicable to me. So show your face when talking to me or f orf. Your submission to Islam does not demand that I also submit to Islam. F that. (but that is exactly the gambit claim, of course).
Muslim women have absolutely NO right to expect that everyone else must accept nd accommodate their covering up. How bloody arrogant can they be? And how thick and uncritical can YOU be, mother??
You are now agitating for Muslim womens' human right to self-abnegation, you silly goose.