BigOl64 wrote on Jul 13
th, 2017 at 2:38pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Jul 13
th, 2017 at 2:28pm:
BigOl64 wrote on Jul 13
th, 2017 at 2:21pm:
We it is painted as an "us verses them" because that is what it is. The Papuans and the Timorese are NOT indonesians and Papua should not be under indonesian control.
Couldn't agree more, BigOl64. However, I recognise that boat has well and truly sailed. Short of another Habibie moment, the Indonesians will continue to control that half of the island. We had our chance in 1960 but were ill-equipped to enforce it. Our "great and powerful friends" had indicated that they favoured Indonesia over us and so we were forced to shut up and step back. Sukarno won that and so the UN handed West Papua over to them.
Quote:Yes the occupation is based on politics, but the willingness to murder women and children is based on, for want of a better description religious 'untermensch'. They can murder Papuans because they don't consider them humans, plain and fkken simple.
Oh, I wish it was, BigOl64. In reality, it is far more complex than you are willing to admit because to do so would demolish your views. West Papuans are killed because they resist Jakarta's rule, not because they are "untermensch".
They are killed easily because they are untermensch, like they did with the Timorese. Deliberately murdering civilians is easier if you think they are nothing more than animals.
True, which is how many nations, including Australia have gotten away with bombing Asian cities and destroying Asian villages, BigOl64. Dehumanising your opponent allows you to kill them much more easily. However, that is how the common Indonesian Soldier is taught to think about their opponents. Just as it is how common Australian Special Forces "Operatives" (what ever happened to them being "troopers" or "soldiers"?) think about Afghan or Iraqi civilians. How else the recent revelations about the death of the Afghani boy? Is it what the common, Indonesian civilians believe or think?
Quote:You don't get civilian deaths in the 10s if not 100s of 1000s if you consider the women and children you are shooting as human.
I suppose the people of Baria can understand that...
Quote:The thing that has always stunk is the way we allow there sh1t to continue and the mere mention of their murderous behavior sets the fkkheads off and we slime straight in with a heart felt apology for pointing out they are murdering innocent civilians.
That sh1t isn't that complex.

If I stand alone with my unbridled hatred of indoneasia then Im fine with that.
That you keep expressing this hatred against Indonesia (please note the correct spelling) is immature and more suited to a young child than an adult. Most Indonesians aren't involved in the occupation of anywhere. Most Indonesians aren't interested in killing anybody. Yet you seem to blame them all, for some reason. Indonesia is made up of over 350 million individuals. When you look at them as individuals, what do you see? Untermensch? Tsk, tsk.