Gordon wrote on Jul 30
th, 2017 at 8:17pm:
Why did we bring them here?
Because we did the right thing and gave 'everyone' the benefit of doubt or a 'fair go'.
They've had their 'fair go' and they have abused it.
It is totally right for Australia to give everyone that 'metre'.
But 'Moslems' have taken a 'mile'.
Now its time they should be banned.
Not because people fear it would be an 'Anti' or an 'Apartheid' or a 'Discrimination'.
But because it will be a 'responsibility' to 'all' Australians who come from around the world ...to get away from 'old problems'.
The Australian Govt - both ALP/NLP, will always take the 'weaker' stance because both parties can't REPRESENT Australia directly ...only the UK/USA.
They FEAR condemnation from the UK/USA because they didn't incorporate it (first?).