Jovial Monk wrote on Aug 7
th, 2017 at 12:57pm:
Can’t be binding, hence plebiscite not referendum.
Binding or not, it gives the flunkies in Parl-e-a-ment some idea of what the overall mass of the people really think.... and offers the chance to storm parliament in the event of either a YES or a NO vote, due to the usurpation of the rights of the people if The Young Twerps with their fine education decide the rabble should never be heeded.........
Sharpen yer pitch forks and bring yer flamin' torches....
Let the People Decide In A Binding Vote!!
Which ever way you go about it - don't bother citing the Irish experience and pointing fingers at their Church in time-honoured 'revolt' against all that is traditional while you seek to share that tradition when it suits - what a nonsense - it will still be divisive and there will still be heaps of vitriol - not least from the Gayles community if the vote goes against them, when all the hate in the world will come out.
I suspect the public revolt would be less vociferous and far more benign if the vote was YES... most people, my dear, frankly don't give a damn... so why doesn't the entire Gayles community just Shut Up For Five Minutes?