Jovial Monk wrote on Aug 7
th, 2017 at 7:39am:
Over 60% of the electorate want marriage equality enacted.
Just do it.
A majority of the electorate want Capital Punishment for terrorists.
Just do it.
A majority of the electorate want a halt to any further Muslim immigration.
Just do it.
A majority of the electorate want euthanasia to be brought into law.
Just do it.
A majority of the electorate want stricter sentencing guidelines for the courts.
Just do it.
A majority of the electorate want our military personnel withdrawn back home.
Just do it.
A majority of the electorate wants the burqa banned.
Just do it.
A majority of the electorate wants dangerous breeds of dog banned.
Just do it.
A majority of the electorate wants Australia to withdraw from the UN.
Just do it.
A majority of the electorate want the homeless housed in government units.
Just do it.
A majority of the electorate want essential services returned to public ownership.
Just do it.
A majority of the electorate wants Jovial Abbott to shut-the-phuk-up about Climate Change.
Just shoot him.