Bobby. wrote on Sep 4
th, 2017 at 1:59pm:
dear Tickle ,
I think it's more likely that the Yanks will try to hit every NK gun emplacement with a bomb of some sort -
from either a Tomahawk missile or laser guided bombs.
That would knock out the artillery pointed at SK.
They would then of course try to knock out every mobile missile launcher -
they must be following them by the minute with satellites.
NK could just fissile out before they have a chance to fire any nuclear weapons.
If they do then there are missile defense options.
The war could be over in a day
without a nuke being fired.
Hi Bobby:
This is what we were made to think. But the reality is very different. In movies, yes, the artillery guns are lied up very nicely in one area. So that Rombo and Arnold can charge in, and bomb them.
In reality, the guns are placed in areas some are know, some are secret and sheltered well under ground. The nuclear warheads are not fired on a stable platform, but fired on a mobile platform that have a series of secret underground tunnels to support it. You may be able to knock out most of the obvious targets, however its the targets that you dont know that is going to hurt you.
Okay, lets look at this way. With all of its might, the USA were having alot of trouble with rudimentary tunnels dating back Korea wars, Vietnam wars, to the more current Iraq and Afghanistan wars. If they cant bomb out those low tech tunnels, do you think they can effectively wipe out a more prepared tunnel?
they could wipe out most of them in a first strike.