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Shifty GetUp!Gate Shorty cornered by Mal (Read 979 times)
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Shifty GetUp!Gate Shorty cornered by Mal
Aug 18th, 2017 at 7:15am
Bull S. is running scared as he is being publicly depicted as the epitome of corruption - a real election loser.

No wonder the Lefties are worried and depressed and keep trying to change the subject and attack anyone who dares mention it.

Shorten ‘unaccountably shifty’, says Turnbull
Brad Norington Associate Editor  The Australian 12:00AM August 18, 2017
If it's not corrupt it's not Labor

Malcolm Turnbull has launched an all-out parliamentary assault on Bill Shorten’s personal integrity, accusing him of “unaccountable shifty conduct” for using union money on himself to advance­ his political career, and taking company money as a union leader in return for trading away workers’ penalty rates.

The Prime Minister’s attack yesterday on Mr Shorten’s fitness to lead the nation came as Employment Minister Michaelia Cash referred the Opposition Leader to the Registered Organisations Commission for investigation over using $25,000 of union funds to finance his election campaig­n in 2007, possibly without proper authority. The referral is the second this week, after Senator Cash asked the regulator of unions and employe­r groups to investigate allegations that another Shorten donation, of about $100,000 in union funds to activist group GetUp! when he led the Australian Workers Union, might not have been properly authorised.

Mr Turnbull’s verbal barrage included accusation­s of serious conflicts of interest and “cowardly” & “shameful” behaviour. Referring to one AWU deal when Mr Shorten was its leader that involved accepting cuts to workers’ conditions at the ­Chiquita Mushroom company in Victoria while the company made payments to the union, the Prime Minister said Mr Shorten had “sold some mushroom workers down the river”.

He then broadened the attack on Mr Shorten’s credibility, accusing­ him of treating all his members like “mushrooms”. “He kept them in the dark & told them nothing,” he said.

Mr Shorten ducked questions yesterday about the authorisation of a $100,000 payment to GetUp! in 2005 when he was the AWU’s national and Victorian secretary, & of an AWU donation of $25,000 to his election campaign as the endorsed candidate for Maribyrnong, when he first ran for parliament in 2007 and was still in charge of the AWU’s national office­.

The Australian revealed yesterday that Mr Shorten was apparently handed the power to give the $25,000 donation to himself after an AWU national executive resolution passed in November 2006 left requests to the union for funding of Labor candidates up to him.

AWU rules are clear that all donati­ons of more than $1000 must be approved by the AWU ­national executive, but Mr Shorten is refusing to confirm if he ­followed the required rule.

Also unclear, despite Mr Shorten’s claim to the contrary, is whether the national executive approved the $100,000 donation to GetUp! that, as reported by The Weekend Australian, Mr Shorten arranged as seed funding in 2005 when he joined the activist group’s board.

The Labor leader said yesterday that the Coalition had “a whole royal commission” into union corruption, a “glorious waste of taxpayers’ money”.

He said he was proud of his record and claimed the government wanted to have another crack after the commission had made “no advers­e findings” against him.

Opposition frontbencher Brendan O’Connor claimed on his leader’s behalf that it was wrong to suggest Mr Shorten’s authorisation of AWU funding for GetUp! & for his own election campaign were not covered in the royal commission. According to Labor, information on candidate disclos­ures was provided to the royal commission as requested, but it was the commission’s decision not to pursue the matter. If the ROC decides to formally investigate both matters following Senator Cash’s referrals, Mr Shorten’s legal authority to make the $100,000 & $25,000 union donations­ could be scrutinised in a way in which the commission apparently­ did not.

The ROC is a new federal authority set up to ensure greater account­ability and transparency of industrial organisations. It was formed after the government passed legislation in the Senate late last year.

The Australian asked Mr Shorten yesterday if he recalled authorising both donations under rule 57 of the AWU, what criteria he used for making them, and whether or not there was a precedent.

Mr Shorten did not respond. Instead, Mr O’Connor, Labor’s workplace relations spokesman, accused the government of wanting to throw mud at Mr Shorten after wasting taxpayer dollars on a “witch-hunt to smear Bill, which had no adverse findings”.

The royal commission’s counsel assisting, Jeremy Stoljar SC, confirmed before the end of his inquiry­’s hearings in 2015 it would not make adverse findings against Mr Shorten. But the commission later made adverse findings, including­ some recommend­ations for possible prosecutions, against the AWU and Mr Shorten’s Victorian branch deputies.

Mr Turnbull told parliament yesterday the government had passed laws to “ban” the practices of Mr Shorten from the time when he ran the AWU, adding: “All of the unaccountable shifty conduct he used to get on with, taking money from big companies in order to trade away workers’ penalty­ rates. That’s what the Opposition­ Leader did when he was running the AWU.

This too good to miss expose of Bull S. continues overleaf as PayWall
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Re: Shifty GetUp!Gate Shorty cornered by Mal
Reply #1 - Aug 18th, 2017 at 7:16am
This too good to miss expose of Bull S. continues...

“What about giving money to himself? He talks about conflicts of interest — this is a union leader who, with union members’ hard-earned funds, spent $25,000 on himself. He paid it to himself — to his own campaign.”

Even worse, Mr Turnbull said, was how Mr Shorten had taken $32,000 from a building company with which he was negotiating an agreement for AWU members.

“He didn’t tell the members about that, oh no. No, no. The Leader of the Opposition when he was running the AWU always had his members on a need-to-know basis, and he thought they didn’t need to know anything.”

Mr Turnbull said there was no evidence the $100,000 in AWU funds donated to GetUp! was authorised.

In parliament, Senator Cash compared Mr Shorten to the convicted former Labor MP and Health Services Union secretary Craig Thomson, for whom Mr Shorten once declared­ his disgust.

She said Mr Thomson was the national secretar­y of an ALP-affilia­ted union, first ran for parliament in 2007, used his union’s money for his own election campaign, had a serious conflict of interes­t, and had tried to explain himself.

The “one key difference” with Mr Shorten, she said, was that Mr Thomson had faced parliament to explain while Mr Shorten had refused to comment.
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Its time
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Re: Shifty GetUp!Gate Shorty cornered by Mal
Reply #2 - Aug 18th, 2017 at 7:22am
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Re: Shifty GetUp!Gate Shorty cornered by Mal
Reply #3 - Aug 18th, 2017 at 7:24am
And the armchair arm waver LW is up and about and missus the point and the topic as usual.

LW do your dumb copy and Xing out sterile stunt.  Now come on U no U want to.
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Re: Shifty GetUp!Gate Shorty cornered by Mal
Reply #4 - Aug 18th, 2017 at 7:30am
This stinks like when Gillard used taxpayer funds to repay Unions for their election contributions to the ALP to the tune of several million dollars under the pathetic guise of "training".
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Re: Shifty GetUp!Gate Shorty cornered by Mal
Reply #5 - Aug 18th, 2017 at 7:35am

it just wouldn't be LABOR if it wasn't CORRUPT.

There is rumor that Labor's vast cesspool of corruption extends all the way to China and that China is paying the unions to close down Australian industies so the work will go to China.
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Re: Shifty GetUp!Gate Shorty cornered by Mal
Reply #6 - Aug 18th, 2017 at 7:48am
Still waiting for libs to return mobster donations - guess they are still getting over the lobster indigestion.
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Re: Shifty GetUp!Gate Shorty cornered by Mal
Reply #7 - Aug 18th, 2017 at 7:49am
juliar wrote on Aug 18th, 2017 at 7:35am:

it just wouldn't be LABOR if it wasn't CORRUPT.

There is rumor that Labor's vast cesspool of corruption extends all the way to China and that China is paying the unions to close down Australian industies so the work will go to China.

I don't know about that Juliar, but I did hear that the Martians gave labor donations to develop a weapon to hypnotize all australians.
I think it's true, it is possible, but then again, how would I know they hadn't already hypnotized me??!
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"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein
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Re: Shifty GetUp!Gate Shorty cornered by Mal
Reply #8 - Aug 18th, 2017 at 8:26am
And a few snorts of disgust from the worried despairing Lefties that Aqua would describe as calls for help.
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Re: Shifty GetUp!Gate Shorty cornered by Mal
Reply #9 - Aug 18th, 2017 at 9:16am
The RC into union corruption made no adverse findings against Bill Shorten but that does not stop Turnbull conflating the issue to hide his parties incompetence and lack of integrity....Mal should clean up his own house and stop deflecting!!!

Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Jovial Monk
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Re: Shifty GetUp!Gate Shorty cornered by Mal
Reply #10 - Aug 18th, 2017 at 9:36am
Yeah, turdfull makes up these attacks to avoid answering questions about Joyce. Very weak but then that is turdfull all over, weak. turdfull will never make these attacks outside Parliament of course.

If you watch QT, turdfull comes across as weak and shifty.
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Get the vaxx! 💉💉

If you don’t like abortions ignore them like you do school shootings.
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Re: Shifty GetUp!Gate Shorty cornered by Mal
Reply #11 - Aug 18th, 2017 at 9:45am
A coupla more snorts of disgust from a coupla wayward worried despairing Lefties trying to save Bull S. from drowning in Labor's vast cesspool of corruption as revealed in the TURC.

What a fertile field the TURC exposes of union corruption are for Mal to rubbish Bull S. with.

The TURC revelations of untold corruption in the union controlled Labor Party have been left simmering on the back plate but are now slowly being brought to the boil one by one in the lead up to the next election by which time Labor and the Greenies will be so blackened they will be viewed with abject disgust by the Australian public.

Does Labor's vast cesspool of corruption extend all the way to China ? it certainly looks like it. A job for the Fair Go to expose even more corruption.
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Jovial Monk
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Re: Shifty GetUp!Gate Shorty cornered by Mal
Reply #12 - Aug 18th, 2017 at 12:49pm
54:46 says it is not the “lefties” that are despairing but the rightards.

Look at QT, you see a government in the last throes of life. Despairing, lashing out at the Opposition. A successful government talks about its achievements, a failing, dying government attacks the Opposition. turdfull makes not even a pretence of answering Opposition questions.
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Get the vaxx! 💉💉

If you don’t like abortions ignore them like you do school shootings.
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Re: Shifty GetUp!Gate Shorty cornered by Mal
Reply #13 - Aug 18th, 2017 at 1:15pm
This can't go on: the country can't embrace the future by walking on eggshells  Shocked
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......Australia has an illegitimate Government!
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Re: Shifty GetUp!Gate Shorty cornered by Mal
Reply #14 - Aug 18th, 2017 at 1:15pm
The coalition must be pretty incompetent if they can't find a dual national ALP MP by now.  That's assuming they do have one which the coalition supporters seem to believe there is.

Guess once again, belief does not match up with reality.
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