sir prince duke alevine
mothra wrote on Aug 31 st, 2017 at 1:15am: sir prince duke alevine wrote on Aug 30 th, 2017 at 9:32pm: Karnal wrote on Aug 30 th, 2017 at 9:24pm: sir prince duke alevine wrote on Aug 30 th, 2017 at 9:21pm: Karnal wrote on Aug 30 th, 2017 at 9:17pm: sir prince duke alevine wrote on Aug 30 th, 2017 at 9:11pm: Karnal wrote on Aug 30 th, 2017 at 9:06pm: sir prince duke alevine wrote on Aug 30 th, 2017 at 9:03pm: Karnal wrote on Aug 30 th, 2017 at 9:00pm: polite_gandalf wrote on Aug 30 th, 2017 at 8:18pm: Of course I couldn't possibly suggest that the existence of incest in areas neighbouring arab countries casts doubt on the "Islam made them do it" argument could I? That would be not caring, I guess. Now now, G, that would be stupendous. Ah of course, the region must have always lacked in numbers of men and women who weren't related to each other! That must be the cause. Yes, karnal? Not at all. The region has always married off daughters to family members. This keeps wealth within the clan. This is far older than Islam, as every schoolboy knows. Ahhh, and the reason the region has decided to uphold a medieval culture? Well, except Israel of course. Except Israeli Orthodox Yips, Alevine. If you don't mind me asking, why are we calling them Yips? Oh so then it is because of religion, but only amongst Orthodox Jews? In the rest of the Arab world it's not Islam, it's a medieval practice they've never really been able to shake off. Probably because but of the Jews. But only the religious ones. Yes, karnal? You're a hoot, and a great waste of time Thanks, Alevine. You've moved on from blaming Islam to religions, eh? You've got to blame someone, I guess. So why are we calling them Yips again? I never said incest was solely an issue for Islam. But it definitely is yet another issue with Islam, that makes this particular religion nothing more than a basket case of bad ideas. Incest, rape, FGM, child marriage, the list of stupid crap that plagues the muslim world doesn't seem to end. But it must all be because of medieval practices before the time of Islam. Because you know... it can't possibly be the result of behaviour being taught by the interpretations of archaic musings of a warlord. All of the things you mentioned are factors in other religions, yes? And not practised by all Muslims or spoken on the Quran? Remeber now ... 1.6 billion of them. Perhaps you need reminding of that. Not to the same calibre. We know the vast problems with rape and islam, and we know FGM is almost exclusively an issue for Islam. And I don't get your numbers concern? I'd say that there are probably a random 1.6 billion people on this planet, regardless of religion or culture, who share in a belief that women are lesser than men to some degree, whether that be that they stay home and cook or that thye are literally sex slaves to the male. Does that validate the belief that 'women are lesser than men' ? I mean, 1.6 billion people would agree to some extent so if we are to use this as some sort of weighting for whether or not we can raise legitimate concerns about a belief then we'd always all keep our mouths shut for just about every issue. I don't care that 1.6 billion people follow islam in some shape or form. I look at the majority group and its beliefs, which is the conservative mulsim group, and based on the state of the islamic states where their beliefs are practiced I say WTF, this is all so horribly wrong! AND can I add mothra, that if even 1% of muslims get impacted by incest then that's 16 million people. Now, we know actually it's a whole lot higher, but do you realise how in fact the number of people that islam impacts actually does indeed matter quite a bit? rather than tell me to keep hush because of the number of people I may be insulting because I believe the teachings are so fcked up, you should be siding with me to stop 16 million people (and many more) from being impacted by the terrible teachings. And I'm ever so surprised at you - you claim to be a feminist and yet when it comes to islam you quickly shy away from your feminist beliefs. Mothra, stop supporting what is probably the most prominent anti-feminist ideology in the world today.