sir prince duke alevine
Karnal wrote on Aug 31 st, 2017 at 9:41am: freediver wrote on Aug 31 st, 2017 at 3:31am: mothra wrote on Aug 31 st, 2017 at 1:15am: sir prince duke alevine wrote on Aug 30 th, 2017 at 9:32pm: Karnal wrote on Aug 30 th, 2017 at 9:24pm: sir prince duke alevine wrote on Aug 30 th, 2017 at 9:21pm: Karnal wrote on Aug 30 th, 2017 at 9:17pm: sir prince duke alevine wrote on Aug 30 th, 2017 at 9:11pm: Karnal wrote on Aug 30 th, 2017 at 9:06pm: sir prince duke alevine wrote on Aug 30 th, 2017 at 9:03pm: Karnal wrote on Aug 30 th, 2017 at 9:00pm: polite_gandalf wrote on Aug 30 th, 2017 at 8:18pm: Of course I couldn't possibly suggest that the existence of incest in areas neighbouring arab countries casts doubt on the "Islam made them do it" argument could I? That would be not caring, I guess. Now now, G, that would be stupendous. Ah of course, the region must have always lacked in numbers of men and women who weren't related to each other! That must be the cause. Yes, karnal? Not at all. The region has always married off daughters to family members. This keeps wealth within the clan. This is far older than Islam, as every schoolboy knows. Ahhh, and the reason the region has decided to uphold a medieval culture? Well, except Israel of course. Except Israeli Orthodox Yips, Alevine. If you don't mind me asking, why are we calling them Yips? Oh so then it is because of religion, but only amongst Orthodox Jews? In the rest of the Arab world it's not Islam, it's a medieval practice they've never really been able to shake off. Probably because but of the Jews. But only the religious ones. Yes, karnal? You're a hoot, and a great waste of time Thanks, Alevine. You've moved on from blaming Islam to religions, eh? You've got to blame someone, I guess. So why are we calling them Yips again? I never said incest was solely an issue for Islam. But it definitely is yet another issue with Islam, that makes this particular religion nothing more than a basket case of bad ideas. Incest, rape, FGM, child marriage, the list of stupid crap that plagues the muslim world doesn't seem to end. But it must all be because of medieval practices before the time of Islam. Because you know... it can't possibly be the result of behaviour being taught by the interpretations of archaic musings of a warlord. All of the things you mentioned are factors in other religions, yes? And not practised by all Muslims or spoken on the Quran? Remeber now ... 1.6 billion of them. Perhaps you need reminding of that. Muhammad had sex with his relatives. Therefor Muslims cannot say that incest is either immoral or stupid or unnatural. This has very real implications for medical professionals trying to discourage incest in Muslim countries. The religion is a minefield for them. Islam does not just happen to coincide with incest. It actually causes it. Jesus did not. At various times in history the church has officially banned incest, up to limits so absurd (ie sharing a common ancestor up to 6 to 10 generations back) that it became a genuine burden to keep track of. There are plenty of other similar issues, and the fact that Muhammad was a political, military and religious leaders means all the political, military and religious crap from 7th century Arabia now has the seal of approval from Islam. Sex slavery, dictatorship, slaughtering innocent people on the weakest of pretexts etc. Incest is the least of Islam's problems. At least it is voluntary. Quote:I, as a feminist, fully support all women in their representation of their beliefs ... Even if they are idiots and their beliefs and representations undermine women's rights? Even if their beliefs are that non-Muslim women should become sex slaves for Muslim men and they should help make this happen? Can you show one time in its history that the church has banned incest? Thanks, FD. Alevine, FGM is pre-Islamic. Cleopatra was circumcised. To my knowledge, there is no Islamic ritual for FGM. African Christians do it. FGM is understood in the places it's performed as a cultural phenomenon, and not religious. The same applies for male circumcision, despite it being a Muslim practice. Oh Karnal, we've been through this time and again. Yes, FGM may date back to before Mohammad. But that doesn't mean that the behaviour today is because Cleopatra was circumsised, Perhaps it has something to do with some of the lovely hadiths mmm? And I think you ought to go look at the statistics again, mr statistician. You'll find that *predominately* this sickness inflicts the muslim world. Just ask mothra if you can't find them, I think she'll go telling you the last predominately 'christian' country to have widespread FGM that she tried to tell us about was actually predominately muslim. And I think you'll also find that within African countries with predominately christian faith, the FGm that exists happens to be within the minority muslim population.