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Question: Is saying "Arabs are responsible for diseases spread by Arabs, just like Europeans are responsible for diseases spread by Europeans" blatant racism?

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yes - but only against whites    
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not racist - WAAAACIST!    
  1 (7.7%)
what an idiotic question    
  7 (53.8%)

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Islam-inspired racism (Read 43249 times)
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Re: Islam-inspired racism
Reply #150 - Sep 1st, 2017 at 3:04pm
sir prince duke alevine wrote on Aug 31st, 2017 at 8:54pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Aug 31st, 2017 at 7:37pm:
sir prince duke alevine wrote on Aug 31st, 2017 at 3:17pm:

You really didn't consider an alternative to "Its all Islam's fault" did you?

Now thats what I call "stupendous".

I'm more curious why you think religion can't cause a behaviour. Grin  Stupdenous, gandalf, stupendous.

So do tell us, if I can't say that a religion, which people rely on to make their 'moral' decisions on, and which clearly stipulates that incest is A-OK, is the cause, then what else is it?

Firstly, where did I say religion can't cause a behaviour? You made that up. Can you understand the difference between stating emphatically that religion can't cause a behaviour and suggesting it might not be religion that causes a behaviour?

Secondly, all religions as far as I know are A-OK with cousin marriage, as are almost all countries in terms of their actual laws - including all of western Europe. And that is what we are talking about when you refer to "incest". Islam specifically forbids marriage with other blood relatives - do other religions?

Thirdly, you are missing the point. The issue isn't "what else is it", its why do you immediately jump on the "its Islam's fault" bandwagon before even considering that it might be something else?
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Islam-inspired racism
Reply #151 - Sep 1st, 2017 at 3:21pm
freediver wrote on Aug 31st, 2017 at 9:18pm:
That's what you did Gandalf. You were a bit mealy mouthed about it is all.

Is "mealy mouthed" your way of saying I never actually said it?

FD, are you actually able to  quote me "describing" them as "treacherous jews" as you claimed - in a way that doesn't involve projecting your own words on to me?

Why can you still not answer these questions? Don't you think it is a little hypocritical to ask me a question you are afraid to answer yourself?

The questions are your attempts to save face for the fact that I never once "described" the Banu Qurayza as "treacherous jews". It is the only way you can think of to justify your BS about me being racist against jews. The questions are completely non-sensical and irrelevant to anything I have actually said. So rather than play your pathetic game of "please gandalf be racist for me" - I prefer to focus on a) what I actually say, and b) the total incoherence of your attack on me. For example, what is the actual point of the questions (besides trying to put words into my mouth)? What do your questions actually mean? And the fact is, you don't even know yourself. Perhaps if you made some attempt to actually make sense of the questions, and give me a reason why they might possibly be relevant to anything - then I might be tempted to answer them.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Islam-inspired racism
Reply #152 - Sep 1st, 2017 at 3:46pm
Secondly, all religions as far as I know are A-OK with cousin marriage

The problem with Islam is not that it is ambivalent to it. It is that Muhammad had sex with his relatives, and Muslims consider him to be the best example of all men. So to say that what he did is inherently wrong, immoral or stupid is difficult. Muhammad's sex life to day this presents a huge barrier to preventing incest.

Thirdly, you are missing the point. The issue isn't "what else is it", its why do you immediately jump on the "its Islam's fault" bandwagon before even considering that it might be something else?

It's because Islam is demonstrably at fault. Unless you think people's fear of insulting the prophet is nothing to do with Islam?

Is "mealy mouthed" your way of saying I never actually said it?

Would you like me to quote you Gandalf?

FD, are you actually able to  quote me "describing" them as "treacherous jews" as you claimed - in a way that doesn't involve projecting your own words on to me?

You left out mindless collective Gandalf. Are you conceding that point? If so, why the difficulty answering the question?

The questions are your attempts to save face for the fact that I never once "described" the Banu Qurayza as "treacherous jews". It is the only way you can think of to justify your BS about me being racist against jews.

Which claim would that be? Did I not in fact say the opposite?

The questions are completely non-sensical and irrelevant to anything I have actually said.

All of them? Or just whether they were Jews?

For example, what is the actual point of the questions (besides trying to put words into my mouth)? What do your questions actually mean? And the fact is, you don't even know yourself. Perhaps if you made some attempt to actually make sense of the questions, and give me a reason why they might possibly be relevant to anything - then I might be tempted to answer them.

Are you having difficulty understanding all of these questions Gandalf? Can you be more specific? Don't you think it is a little hypocritical to ask me a question you are afraid to answer yourself? Did you understand the question when you asked it of me?

Were they mindless?

Were they a collective?

Were they treacherous?

Were they Jewish?

Do you believe Muslims today are a mindless collective?
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Re: Islam-inspired racism
Reply #153 - Sep 1st, 2017 at 4:01pm
freediver wrote on Sep 1st, 2017 at 3:46pm:
Would you like me to quote you Gandalf?

Yes I would FD, thats exactly what I asked. Please quote me "describing" them as "a mindless collective of treacherous jews".

freediver wrote on Sep 1st, 2017 at 3:46pm:
Which claim would that be? Did I not in fact say the opposite?

You are obviously confused by what you think you are saying. First you claim I'm not racist against jews - even though you still shove the words "treacherous jews" in my mouth - in the next breath you say jews are the target of my racism (done somehow by not even mentioning jews). Can you explain that for me FD? Putting aside the whole shoving words into my mouth for a moment - can you explain the difference between being racist against jews and jews being the target of my racism? Perhaps you can answer it by shoving more words into my mouth.

freediver wrote on Sep 1st, 2017 at 3:46pm:
Are you having difficulty understanding all of these questions Gandalf?

Indeed I am FD.

If you could kindly address my concerns that you missed just now, that would be great. Here they are again:

what is the actual point of the questions (besides trying to put words into my mouth)? What do your questions actually mean? And the fact is, you don't even know yourself. Perhaps if you made some attempt to actually make sense of the questions, and give me a reason why they might possibly be relevant to anything - then I might be tempted to answer them.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Islam-inspired racism
Reply #154 - Sep 1st, 2017 at 4:09pm
You are obviously confused by what you think you are saying. First you claim I'm not racist against jews - even though you still shove the words "treacherous jews" in my mouth - in the next breath you say jews are the target of my racism (done somehow by not even mentioning jews). Can you explain that for me FD? Putting aside the whole shoving words into my mouth for a moment - can you explain the difference between being racist against jews and jews being the target of my racism? Perhaps you can answer it by shoving more words into my mouth.

If they were black you and you made racist remarks about them being black, you would be making racist remarks against people who are Jewish, but would not be referring to all Jews. Or if it helps, Arab Jews instead of black ones.

polite_gandalf wrote on Sep 1st, 2017 at 4:01pm:
freediver wrote on Sep 1st, 2017 at 3:46pm:
Are you having difficulty understanding all of these questions Gandalf?

Indeed I am FD.

The last one is one that you asked me in this thread. Did it makes sense at the time that you asked it?

Were they mindless?

Were they a collective?

Were they treacherous?

Were they Jewish?

Do you believe Muslims today are a mindless collective?
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: Islam-inspired racism
Reply #155 - Sep 1st, 2017 at 4:36pm
freediver wrote on Sep 1st, 2017 at 4:09pm:
If they were black you and you made racist remarks about them being black, you would be making racist remarks against people who are Jewish, but would not be referring to all Jews. Or if it helps, Arab Jews instead of black ones.

Sorry FD, its not really helping much. I just can't get past the bit where you're claiming all this when I never once said anything about their "jewishness" - indeed never even mentioned that they are jews. Or are you saying that my racism was a kind of generic, non-specific racism that targeted people who incidentally happened to be jewish? If thats the case, it still doesn't explain why you need to keep asking me if they were jewish - as if that answer will prove something about my racism.

freediver wrote on Sep 1st, 2017 at 4:09pm:
The last one is one that you asked me in this thread. Did it makes sense at the time that you asked it?

None of it makes sense FD, thats the point I'm trying to make.

Is it really too much to ask why you are asking me these? Just have a go. Humour me. Convince me that there is some purpose to this besides shoving words into my mouth just so you can say I'm saying racist things.

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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Islam-inspired racism
Reply #156 - Sep 1st, 2017 at 4:38pm
Oh, and don't forget to quote me "describing" them as a mindless collective of treacherous jews FD. You even asked if thats what I wanted - I said yes, but still no money. If you're having difficulty, I can walk you through the whole quoting process if you like.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Islam-inspired racism
Reply #157 - Sep 1st, 2017 at 4:40pm
karnal Today at 9:40am
Marrying children, incest, circumcising your daughters, making your wife cover her face - none of these are a part of Islam.

Well you can't get much lower than that, as the muslim said when he sat down to pee.

Marrying kids and incest got nothing to do with islam?

muhammad was a zealous practician of both. So what does islam say about muhammad?   

qur'an 33.21: Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad) you have a good example to follow for him who hopes in (the Meeting with) Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah much.

muhammad was touted as the best model for muslims to follow, so they marry children and perform incest because islam tells them to. (following muhammad)

circumcising your daughters got nothing to do with islam?

According to hadith muhammad said:

Abu al- Malih ibn `Usama's father relates that the Prophet said: "Circumcision is a law for men and a preservation of honour for women." Ahmad Ibn Hanbal 5:75; Abu Dawud, Adab 167.

Narrated Umm Atiyyah al-Ansariyyah: A woman used to perform circumcision in Medina. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said to her: Do not cut severely as that is better for a woman and more desirable for a husband. Sunan Abu Dawud 41:5251

She replied: You have come across one well informed! The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: When anyone sits amidst four parts (of the woman) and the circumcised parts touch each other a bath becomes obligatory. Sahih Muslim 3:684

Seems pretty clear that muhammad favoured and was well aware of female genital mutilation.

making your wife cover her face got nothing to do with islam?

qur'an 33.59: O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e.screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allah is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

It seems marrying children, incest, circumcising your daughters, making your wife cover her face,  absolutely 100% all are part and parcel of islam.
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Re: Islam-inspired racism
Reply #158 - Sep 1st, 2017 at 6:22pm
Sorry FD, its not really helping much. I just can't get past the bit where you're claiming all this when I never once said anything about their "jewishness" - indeed never even mentioned that they are jews.

I have been telling you from the very beginning that I was not accusing you of being racist against Jews in general. It's not my fault you only just realised. I can't get past the bit where you spent years fixated on that one point. Yet, here we are, still getting hung up on the fact that they are Jewish.

Or are you saying that my racism was a kind of generic, non-specific racism that targeted people who incidentally happened to be jewish? If thats the case, it still doesn't explain why you need to keep asking me if they were jewish - as if that answer will prove something about my racism.

Because you keep arguing that it is the appearance of being racist that counts, and the fact that they are Jewish is, according to you, what makes you appear racist.

None of it makes sense FD, thats the point I'm trying to make.

What I asked was, did the question make sense when you asked it?

Were they mindless?

Were they a collective?

Were they treacherous?

Were they Jewish?

Do you believe Muslims today are a mindless collective?

Is it really too much to ask why you are asking me these?

Ask away. You have been dodging these questions for years. What is another deflection?

BTW, what is wrong with the previous explanation I gave?
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sir prince duke alevine
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Re: Islam-inspired racism
Reply #159 - Sep 1st, 2017 at 6:48pm
Karnal wrote on Sep 1st, 2017 at 9:40am:
freediver wrote on Aug 31st, 2017 at 9:41pm:
Ah. So the Egyptians have sex with their relatives because they are following Cleopatra's example, not because they are following Muhammad's example?

The pharohs were married off to their brothers or sisters as children. Muhammad banned incest. He allowed only cousins to be married, as did the Jews.

And as does the law in Australia.

I don't give a fig for defending Muhammed here. He's an ancient religious leader. Of course he had different standards in his time. Any bearded numptie who tries to live as Muhammed did is crazy.

Muslims are encouraged to apply the principles: praying, fasting, giving charity, obeying the law of the land you live in, and going to Mecca.

Marrying children, incest, circumcising your daughters, making your wife cover her face - none of these are a part of Islam. If Muslims in other countries do this, or if foreign imams encourage this, they're doing it off their own bat.

Ultimately, your criticisms are no more than shrill racist attacks on traditional cultures. No one here defends incest or child marriage or FGM, including our resident Muselman.

Better write me up for spineless apologism, FD. That'll show me.

Great.   Now you just need to tell hundreds of millions of the muslim world they aren't muslim. Good luck with that.
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Disclaimer for Mothra per POST so it is forever acknowledged: Saying 'Islam' or 'Muslims' doesn't mean ALL muslims. This does not target individual muslims who's opinion I am not aware of.
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sir prince duke alevine
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Re: Islam-inspired racism
Reply #160 - Sep 1st, 2017 at 6:55pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Sep 1st, 2017 at 3:04pm:
sir prince duke alevine wrote on Aug 31st, 2017 at 8:54pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Aug 31st, 2017 at 7:37pm:
sir prince duke alevine wrote on Aug 31st, 2017 at 3:17pm:

You really didn't consider an alternative to "Its all Islam's fault" did you?

Now thats what I call "stupendous".

I'm more curious why you think religion can't cause a behaviour. Grin  Stupdenous, gandalf, stupendous.

So do tell us, if I can't say that a religion, which people rely on to make their 'moral' decisions on, and which clearly stipulates that incest is A-OK, is the cause, then what else is it?

Firstly, where did I say religion can't cause a behaviour? You made that up. Can you understand the difference between stating emphatically that religion can't cause a behaviour and suggesting it might not be religion that causes a behaviour?

Secondly, all religions as far as I know are A-OK with cousin marriage, as are almost all countries in terms of their actual laws - including all of western Europe. And that is what we are talking about when you refer to "incest". Islam specifically forbids marriage with other blood relatives - do other religions?

Thirdly, you are missing the point. The issue isn't "what else is it", its why do you immediately jump on the "its Islam's fault" bandwagon before even considering that it might be something else?

Actually no, the point is what else is it. You need to stop trying to play the person, and instead play the issue, gandalf.  This constant, 'You think it's islam, you must be islamophobic' defense is so pathetic, and frankly is beneath a person who I think is highly more capable to put up a proper argument.  I jump on the 'Islam's fault' bandwagon because stats don't lie. Sure, other countries and religions allow cousin marrigaes, I don't dispute this and never have. I just think it's a pointless statement because we are talking about why it happens to be so prominent in Arabic countries. Perhaps, could it be, that given we know Islam drives many of the behaviours and cultures of people within the Arabic world, and given we know that many people in Arabic countries would consider whatever is taught by Islam to be morally correct, then they would subsequently believe marriage to cousins is ok? See, it may be legal in Western countries, and at some point Western Countries also had an aristocracy that went about marrying brothers and sisters. And yet, some how, it isn't prominent in Western countries, but in the Middle East it is literally classified as a problem.  And as you say, in BOTH it is legal? Yet only one likes to go about doing it.  Why Gandalf? Are families literally so large you can't do anything other than marry a cousin?  If it isn't the teaching of Islam then what is it?  In order to counter an argument you need to actually offer the counter. Not just sit there and shout above all other voices that I'm jumping on the blame islam bandwagon without having first considered the actual issue.
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« Last Edit: Sep 1st, 2017 at 7:21pm by sir prince duke alevine »  

Disclaimer for Mothra per POST so it is forever acknowledged: Saying 'Islam' or 'Muslims' doesn't mean ALL muslims. This does not target individual muslims who's opinion I am not aware of.
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Re: Islam-inspired racism
Reply #161 - Sep 1st, 2017 at 7:58pm
freediver wrote on Sep 1st, 2017 at 6:22pm:
Because you keep arguing that it is the appearance of being racist that counts, and the fact that they are Jewish is, according to you, what makes you appear racist.

You're making up more crap about me FD. By the way, any progress on your quote of me "describing" the banu qurayza as "a mindless collective of treacherous jews"? Let me know if you're having trouble with the whole how to quote someone thing.

freediver wrote on Sep 1st, 2017 at 6:22pm:
What I asked was, did the question make sense when you asked it?

I know FD, and my answer was 'no'. It doesn't make sense when you ask it, it doesn't make sense when I ask it: "were they jewish" - have another think about the issue FD, and try and concentrate here: if I'm not being racist against jews specifically - which I think is your latest position - why do you keep wanting me to say if they are jewish? And in case you are confused - thats when you ask me "were they jewish" like some broken record every single post.

freediver wrote on Sep 1st, 2017 at 6:22pm:
Yet, here we are, still getting hung up on the fact that they are Jewish.

Oh I know FD. Glad you're sick of you asking that question every single time you post. Yet you still do it - and no one seems to know why - not even you.

freediver wrote on Sep 1st, 2017 at 6:22pm:
BTW, what is wrong with the previous explanation I gave?

Please remind me.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Islam-inspired racism
Reply #162 - Sep 1st, 2017 at 8:41pm
You're making up more crap about me FD.

You will happily admit to being racist against Arabs. But you will go through all this moral contortionism to avoid answering a simple question like whether they are Jewish. And your reason for being incapable of answering is that I am trying to make you "appear" racist.

I know FD, and my answer was 'no'. It doesn't make sense when you ask it, it doesn't make sense when I ask it: "were they jewish"

I didn't realise you had asked me that. Just in case you are still confused. My answer is yes, they were Jewish. See, not so hard is it?

You did ask me whether Muslims today are a mindless collective. I answered and asked you the same question. You are also afraid to answer that one.

Were they mindless?

Were they a collective?

Were they treacherous?

Were they Jewish?

Do you believe Muslims today are a mindless collective?

why do you keep wanting me to say if they are jewish?

Because you denied saying it in the past. Because you appear to think that not mentioning this fact means you avoid the charge of racism, as if racism only counts if it is anti-semitism. Because it demonstrates you hold the spin to be more important than the substance.
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Re: Islam-inspired racism
Reply #163 - Sep 1st, 2017 at 8:44pm
sir prince duke alevine wrote on Sep 1st, 2017 at 6:55pm:
This constant, 'You think it's islam, you must be islamophobic'

fair dinkum alevine - is deliberately misrepresenting what I say some favourite pass time of yours? You seem to do it every time you quote me.

You may or may not be being islamophobic, but thats not the issue here, and its certainly not what I was thinking about. What I was thinking about, and what is the issue, is this scurge of jumping to baseless conclusions using faulty logic. Its rampant here, unfortunately.

Now as you say, "stats don't lie" - and thats precisely why you are wrong. What the stats show is that inbreeding is relatively higher in a large block of the world that incorporates the middle east, central asia, south Asia - as well as pretty much the entire African continent. If we are talking about religous makeup of these regions, Islam is only one of 3 major religions - the others being hinduism and christian/animist. Now we can go with your logic and say this is all down to religion - which would mean all 3 religions independently cause people to want to marry their cousins. And we presumably dismiss any other socio-cultural factors. Keeping in mind that we would be applying this logic despite the fact that none of those 3 religions give any doctrinal encouragement for the practice. Does that sound logical to you?

Another point about stats: other muslim areas, most notably SE Asia, including no less the largest muslim country in the world, have negligible levels of cousin marriage - about on a par with most of the west.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Islam-inspired racism
Reply #164 - Sep 1st, 2017 at 8:49pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Sep 1st, 2017 at 8:44pm:
sir prince duke alevine wrote on Sep 1st, 2017 at 6:55pm:
This constant, 'You think it's islam, you must be islamophobic'

fair dinkum alevine - is deliberately misrepresenting what I say some favourite pass time of yours? You seem to do it every time you quote me.

You may or may not be being islamophobic, but thats not the issue here, and its certainly not what I was thinking about. What I was thinking about, and what is the issue, is this scurge of jumping to baseless conclusions using faulty logic. Its rampant here, unfortunately.

Now as you say, "stats don't lie" - and thats precisely why you are wrong. What the stats show is that inbreeding is relatively higher in a large block of the world that incorporates the middle east, central asia, south Asia - as well as pretty much the entire African continent. If we are talking about religous makeup of these regions, Islam is only one of 3 major religions - the others being hinduism and christian/animist. Now we can go with your logic and say this is all down to religion - which would mean all 3 religions independently cause people to want to marry their cousins. And we presumably dismiss any other socio-cultural factors. Keeping in mind that we would be applying this logic despite the fact that none of those 3 religions give any doctrinal encouragement for the practice. Does that sound logical to you?

Another point about stats: other muslim areas, most notably SE Asia, including no less the largest muslim country in the world, have negligible levels of cousin marriage - about on a par with most of the west.

Gandalf do you deny the causative link between Islam and the difficulty in discouraging incest in Muslim countries?


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« Last Edit: Sep 1st, 2017 at 8:54pm by freediver »  

People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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